Voltron fanfiction lance observant. "That was fast Lance usually you're the last one here.

Voltron fanfiction lance observant Lance frowned thoughtfully, trying to piece together what had gone on. Which of course makes the Galra obsessed with him. He was the person she could count on when they were in trouble, he was the person the paladins listen to not her. "God forbid anyone does that. Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 7 He hissed. Lance (Voltron) Angst (13) Bisexual Lance (Voltron) (12) Lance (Voltron) is a Mess (12) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (10) Gay Keith (Voltron) (9) Fluff (8) Emotional Hurt/Comfort (8) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Lotor had told him that Voltron was the reason he lost his father and now with Lotor dead, his entire family is gone. Still, I think I saw a post once that sparked this idea, something about Lance just going blank when he's truly angry or something similar to that. Lance raised an eyebrow. 6K 21. Lance would never catch the teenagers who had fled to their safe homes. But he had to remember, that this wasn't the Lance from his visions. " FanFiction | unleash Angst, or H&C, with Lance as the main character. Lance let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes, turning his head away. If I did Keith would be a little more Galra like in appearance, Lance and he would have had a much warmer reunion and SPOILER Shiro wouldn't have just vanished at the end of s2. F. Maybe not ever. After over ten years of being at war, lost in space far away from home, the paladins have finally returned back to Earth. In a moment, his nerves were going to wake up, and it was going to hurt. (You know, my usual) DISCLAIMER: I do not own Voltron: Legendary Defender or any of these Lance sighed while walking in. "Oh, I'm sure I could do better than you, Mullet," he teased, casually slinging the barrel of his rifle over his shoulder. He's frickin' smote, man. When the rest of team Voltron leave Lance alone with Coran for 2 months Gotta find Voltron? Oh guess who's been working on a conspiracy map this entire time, it's Keith. "Was this you?" "Why Lance you have so little faith in me," he replied with a tired smirk. but that wasn't all of it. A Galra commander decides that capturing the Paladins would be smarter/easier than capturing the Voltron Lions, the Lions don't take to that well, as the Lions are rather protective of their Paladin's. Throughout the whole missions of Voltron, Lance has been making gestures at tied up Galra and security cameras, unknowingly doing ancient mating gestures. He'd never made out with anyone, and what Keith was doing to his mouth went far beyond making out as saliva mixed with saliva. And family secrets that would be uncovered that will shake the foundation of a Protective Keith (Voltron) Observant Lance (Voltron) im suing this fandom we have no interesting tags; Tall Keith (Voltron) Post-Canon; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Voltron fanfiction; okay; this is for a friend; Blood; Laith; Klance kid; i need to stop; this is my first fic; just read and judge me later; long chapters; "Abuela!" Lance shrieked in excitement, he rushed toward her attempting to hug her, but she stepped aside, causing him to fall into the water. "Lotor. Todo esta bien? Me puedes decir, kid. Lance dropped into the control-chair and looked at the strange controls. " Lance nodded and Keith handed over the tablet and glass of water. " Keith couldn't help it, he was laughing. We'll see. He's home, had been for a few months. "I already know, Lance," Allura Disappointed at Lance. But the green paladin couldn't predict for this, she couldn't even try to pick apart what Keith and Lance might say, what Shiro or Coran or especially Allura. Other than the rock blocking sight from directly behind, they otherwise would have a clear vantage across relatively flat plains. Pike by Zesty_Lemon. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count Lance said with a small smirk, hands on his hips as he stood. Lance glapit alors qu'une autre explosion secouait son lion. "Don't worry Keith, I understand, I wouldn't want to be with me either. achieving elysium Disclaimer: I do not own Voltron or Voltron: Defender of the Universe. Lance is my torture victim. I just wasn't in the mood to write fanfiction for like. They exit into a world so familiar yet so foreign to them. Red was clearly agitated, his tail lashing back and forth. Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst (12) Hurt/Comfort (11) Sad (9) Heavy Angst (9) Bisexual Lance (Voltron) (9) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. "EARTH TO KOGANE" Lance yelled this time, getting Keith's attention. The walls, floors, and ceiling, were indistinguishable from the shadows, but still echoed his and Keith's footfalls, as they carefully walked down the hallway. Altean or a blue space monster from the far edges of the unknown universe- you're a paladin of voltron no Lance flashed him a grin and pointed the gun obediently to the ground. Lance mumbled a thanks as he took the painkiller and drained the glass. Allura looked at Lance shocked. I never knew I was being compared to everyone because he never did it with me around. The family looked up, then wordlessly moved outside the room. Cœur du Balméra. No. Lance gulped as the Lion stopped and fixed his eyes on him. Lance was the first one to suggest a picnic in a nearby meadow. "We're rivals ya know. At this, the trio moved away from the rest of the group and began to talk to each other. Begin descent to Kerberos to rescue mission. Long story short, Lance and Keith went into an argument, which turned into a small fight. "Oh, yeah! Just watch!" Lance glanced back, and sure enough, that grin was right where it should be. You observe and make observations and discover how the world works My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア and Voltron: Legendary Defender crossover fanfiction archive with over 3 stories. Somehow they got on the street and Lance, suddenly being aware of their position, suddenly pushed Keith to the side as a car with a distracted driver hit him frontal. " Lance muttered. "Ayúdame Dios!" Lance wailed, arms and legs moving around crazily,"Ayuda azul!". "Alright, let's choose a target, how about that pine cone over there?" the older man asked, gesturing to a nearby pine tree. Lance raced into it and Kale followed, grabbing the handle of his sword in case something bad happened. So basically, lots of insecurities and emotions. " Spoke the leader of the group of four who was at the pilots seat, he was a young man who bared Cuban heritage while behind him was the largest of them having a heritage of Samoan, on his right was the shortest of the group baring an Italian Kevin said while letting go of Lance and wiggling his eyebrows. "You can rest if you wish. Post season 2 Lance x Lotor #Lancelot. and evil invention tester for L. I've decided to make a fanfiction solely based on angst (ok maybe a little fluff). Si es que algo te paso. What gave it away to the others that Pidge was a girl and not a trans guy? Sure, Lance isn't the most observant dude around so it's not Keith/Lance (Voltron) Lance (Voltron) Keith (Voltron) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Post-Canon; Established Relationship; Amnesia; Blade of Marmora Lance (Voltron) Pidge was observant. "What?" Keith asked. Chapter 1: Waking Up (introduction chapter) Chapter Text. I want the Lions in the air in two minutes. Keith's at a breaking point that he hasn't reached in years. Lance. "Yeah, you basically had the flu, only on steroids. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count From To lance is a famous instagram model. They would be close enough to the castle in case of attack yet far enough away to be able to enjoy themselves. Personally I have no trouble with it, I've been an open book all my life. "No," she grumbled. And Bob offers Lance a Lance said, emerging from the library where he'd gotten an unintended front row seat to the latest Shit Talking of Voltron. " When the team does not vote for Lance in Garfle Warfle Snick he's left alone with only Bob as company. Lance said, dismissing it as easily as everything else. The others quickly joined in (although Keith was smashed between Lance and Shiro without a choice or option to leave). That was the worst. Before they land on a planet, Lance's teammates are counting on him to create the perfect outfits to impress the native aliens and convince them to join the Voltron coalition. But this isn't the kind of thing he can fight with fists and force and an attitude, and he's not feeling like Keith Kogane right now anyway. It struck perfectly between Lance's plates of leg armor, and he screamed. Prodigy pilot, paladin of Voltron, swordsman and friend to the rest of the crew; none of that describes how he's feeling. "Truth or dare" Lance smirked. One that lights a Altean Lance (Voltron) (8) Angst (7) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (7) Other Additional Tags to Be Added (7) Lance (Voltron)-centric (7) Fluff (6) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. The cone of light from Lance's phone fell off abruptly, and left an endless expanse of darkness beyond. "We'll get this whole hearing thing situated soon enough, Buddy. He's very sad and hurt. With tension high, their bickering gets a little out of hand. It's cold. Lance had been bragging to Ali the entire time how awesome flight school would be. Matt souffre des expériences subies, Lance ne veut pas d'un Galra parmi eux, Allura a dû laisser son rôle de paladin noir à Shiro et l'ennemi a déjà lancé l'offensive contre la Terre. Even if he had been, Lance was being more confrontational than usual, so Keith did have a right to snap. Lance relaxed when he knew they were a good distance away from the castle. It seemed peaceful, beautiful. He quickly found Keith and Pidge's "Looks like some kind of magic love potion to me. " Keith deadpanned. " Lance sighed, and Hunk hugged his best friend tightly. Two pictures were missing, one of Lance and his family back on earth, and one of everyone of team Voltron that had been taken right before Samuel Holt left to go back on earth. It's going to be a long, difficult journey to prove to Lance that he's safe, that they're his family, and that the horrors he committed as Sniper are not his burden to bear. He saw, he analyzed, and then he came up with a plan to deal with things, even if that plan involved throwing himself on top of another person to After a Galra attack splits Voltron, the blue lion is damaged and falls toward the jungle planet below. The trouble started when the team split up. Lance frequently goofed around and flirted without consideration, so her lack of commendation was valid. " Matt groaned. "Nice to meet you Lance. This wasn't Lance's first time kissing someone, but it was most certainly his first time getting tongue. Lance managed to block the next arrow with his shield, but even he knew it was a lost cause as upon trying to stand he fell back down with a cry, his leg refusing to cooperate. Elle regarda Keith de longues secondes, puis Lance et Wendy, puis à nouveau Keith. " Lance pumped his fist and Keith could just tell that there was an excited grin on his face. Voltron came with many challenges, one of them being the mind meld. Shiro said you'd feel really tired for a couple more days. Allura, to me, is more like the soul of Voltron as she gives them a higher calling even as she acts as their backing morals. Voltron is too far away to help, but losing Keith is an outcome Lance refuses to accept. Something pushed against the pain, tore it sideways, and they let out a scream as they- he skidded to a stop. 'I'm not mad' he lied. Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Voltron Legendary Defender. Uh, smitten. Elle avait compris. O. Lance scratched his head in confusion as Keith hurriedly turned the corner. I just came up with the idea that the Lion's can do that at the end, my new headcanon AN: Not gonna lie, I still consider Lance to be the heart of Voltron. But decided against due to her (and Shiro's) better judgement. I mean, look at Hunk! We've been bros forever, and now he's smited. , T. Keith is giving Lance an odd look, but Lance ignores him. The hurt was evident on Keith's features, and in that moment Lance hated himself. Lance quietly and swiftly moved to his next position in a tall grass like field on a hill. 60. All there was left to wait for was Lance, who was taking his precious time changing. " Lance managed a half choked scream as his leg gave out beneath him, pulsing agony swimming up the limb. Kevin always had a feeling for Lance ever since Lance was a baby. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. M. He needs to be better. Voltron: Legendary Defenders. "No we're not. They- Lance- He hit the floor and crumpled, rolling. Tall Keith (Voltron) Keith (Voltron) Has ADHD; Whipped Keith (Voltron) Lance (Voltron) is a Ray of Sunshine; Keith (Voltron) is a Good Boyfriend; Lance (Voltron) is a Good Boyfriend; Allura (Voltron) is a Good Friend; she puts up with a lot of shit i wont lie; Smart Lance (Voltron) Observant Lance (Voltron) Brown-Eyed Lance (Voltron) Autistic He stopped a few feet away from Lance's body, scared to move closer, to see the full extent of the injuries on Lance's body. It's easier to be angry than it is to be scared or sad or hurt, and Lance is the perfect person to take the anger out on. Nevertheless, this chapter was requested by CatBludger3903. Cette histoire présente des termes et des thématiques qui peuvent choquer certains d'entre vous. Keith doesn't feel like a Lance (Voltron) is a Mess (11) Lance Has Ice Powers (Voltron) (9) Gay Keith (Voltron) (8) Insecure Lance (Voltron) (8) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. " Lance opened his mouth, but Keith beat him to it. In Lance's hands, the Red bayard is a rifle similar to his old one, and in Allura's hands, the Blue bayard has become a whip. " A mysterious pink fog makes everyone on the ship fall in love with the first person they see, and Lance and Pidge are left to deal with the ensuing chaos. Lance had become her sounding board, after one too many fights with Nanny in recent months, now that Zarkon "Well. voltronxoc voltron shiro keith pidge hunk lance coran allura destruction of a planet or similar celestial object when a freedom fighter runs into the paladins of voltron- she prays they can defeat zarkon and bring p sciencefiction; slowburn; pidge +9 more # 6. " Keith shrugged, noting that Lance's hand hadn't left his wrist yet. Sort by: Hot. "I really hate her. 6 years ago, Lance was kidnapped without a clue to where he went. Lance (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Shiro (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Summary. "Yup. He knew how insecure Keith was about being the black paladin. It’s what he begged for on the Castle Ship, the life he prayed for at night when he never thought he would see his family ever again. There's no time, Shiro. I don't know who to tell you this, but Keith and I are dating," Lance confessed to his former girlfriend. "You know I don't blame you for what happened to me, right?" He asked once they locked eyes and Coran didn't have to say anything for Lance to know the answer. He had almost caught up with the hunched over figure when a shoulder caught him in the chest hard. "Although, if you wanted to, I could show you what the inside of a Lion {FINISHED} I've decided to make a fanfiction solely based on angst (ok maybe a little fluff). "Keith!" Keith didn't look at Lance, in fact it looked like he was sleeping. By: MelleyMello. Keith shook his head, "No. Lance let out a terrified scream as he began free falling, his face seemed to embody fear itself. Keith restait assis sur la terrasse, observant Lance et Wendy. A product of Netflix and DreamWorks. The only course of cation is to stop them himself, of course with his trusty mullet to watch his back. Feel free to submit, if you feel like it. " Lance chuckled and Keith rolled his eyes. At the same time he felt numb. "Perdón. You helping?" Lance nodded, slipping off his jacket and tossing it to the edge of the concrete. Keith opened his eyes slowly, blinking a couple times as he tried to adjust to the bright light above his head. 17 Sep 2020. The lion leapt into overdrive and zoomed away from the castle, away from the alien planet that Team Voltron had been staying on for the past week. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy your company. Through the power of coffee and spite, he becomes the leader the universe needs. He always smiled brightly like a star in the midnight sky. I hope this meets your expectations! :)) Disclaimer: I don't own Voltron if I did Allurance wouldn't have I love Altean!Lance (tbh just Lance in general) with all my heart - come flail with me on tumblr at achievingelysium. That was all he needed to say. boyxboy; allura; pidge +11 more # 2. It just brushed me. Lance felt the familiar sting behind his eyes again. S'ils ne se ressaisissent pas vite, ils vont perdre tout ce qu'ils espéraient protéger. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; It started out as a normal infiltration mission to a Galra base. Lance pried his hands off of the library table and shoved Keith hard in the shoulders. 'I'm sorry you won't get to go to flight school' said Ali sincerely. "Listen, Allura. S'up everyone! So a little while ago, me and my friend Megan decided that it would be a lot of fun if Voltron had bloopers. Even Allura herself. Maria was at Garrison,co Cartoons: Voltron: Legendary Defender fanfiction archive with over 6,802 stories. All other cooks gave Lance, who consistently annoyed her with romantic advances and inflated boasting, was the one who might have needed kind words from her the most. Keith/Lance (Voltron) rated for language; keith is a dumbass; Lance is observant; Lance knows all; Ive had this concept stuck in my head for like a year; Summary. Tous les deux bien différents la nuit. earth, shiro, lance. " Lance just shook his head. Lance gave a chuckle and was about to reply when he was interrupted by an announcement. 110 Stories. Blackout (A Keith Fanfiction) by Dani. E. " Lance glared hard at his teammate, fists curled at his sides in anger. "Lance!" Shiro shouted, rushing forward to catch him before he hit the ground. 5K 29 16. Dios, he was so happy. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; Lance grinned and pounded over to the older man, immediately giving him a side hug. Lance used the chance to have a better look at the gun in his hands. When Keith looked at him in confusion Lance rolled his eyes. " Keith's hand slackened in shock, not understanding why Lance would think that, but Lance used that opportunity to break free and stand to leave, as his eyes slowly filled with tears. Hope you enjoy! ;-P. "I want to beat you in how many Galra we take down. " So maybe he's hiding. I do not own Voltron: Legendary Defender or any of the characters in it. Lance didn't even like thinking about the cold needle in Ali's thin, fragile hand. Then he finally spoke, his voice low and just above a whisper. Lance laughed a little while saying "Kevin stop. He decided to himself to be quiet unless he was spoken to by either Kevin, Coran, Hunk, the space mice, and Anyone else he just meets. Lance's family was so proud, but Lance didn't believe them They can't wait for me to leave. " "Pidge, can you tell what the energy is for?" Keith grunted as his lion grabbed a drone ship and sent it spiraling into another. How's it going?" "Better now that you're here. "I told my Mom that I'm bringing home a boyfriend instead. Landor. After hours of tests and being forced to sit in an airtight, carefully ventilated glass cube in an odd patient gown that's just as comfortable as the ones on Earth, Coran finally makes a determination. Then, he stiffened again. "Lance, you are not worthless, so quit saying that to yourself. While the other members of the Voltron Force talked in the castle, Daniel stood on the east balcony reflecting on how his life had changed in the almost three years he'd been on this planet and been a part of the Force, and the major turning point in his life. Lance groaned and let his head thump back against his seat. Lance felt confident that he could keep watch that way for a few hours, at least. " Keith frowned. The knot in his stomach pulled, the same knot that had been sitting in him for a few months now. It stood in front of a separate line that had only human staff. Coran actually found some painkillers safe for humans to take if you want some. "Please tell me your real name is like Lucy or something. It's hard to let strangers into your head. Allura had said that Red was calling for him. Luckily, Lance doesn't believe everything that comes through the grapevine. It was no secret to him, at least, that the fair princess had grown a small attraction to their stoic, yet often non-observant-in-matters-of-love, commander. Bookmarked by Geliangel. Only he knows how much more you need to listen and how much less you need to talk! Next time, I'll aim for a drone a little closer to your mouth!" "Fuck you, Kogane. Lance finds himself the sole survivor on the Voltron team, and he takes it upon himself to reassemble Voltron. (Thought of this as I was writing it. She couldn't blame herself too terribly, however. Rated: Fiction M - French - Romance/Drama - [Keith, Lance] - Chapters: 17 - Words: 102,826 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 11/16 Lance didn't like being pushed around and the sooner he got some distance between him and Keith, the better. She observed most things in life because, well, that’s how the world worked. "Fine, I'll clean The blue and white metal Lion shifted into a crouching position with its maw open for access. Pidge did consider leaving him at least a hand full of times, if not more. *** Disclaimer: I do not own Voltron: Legendary Defender. Completed. " He turned towards Keith, pointing proudly. That Time Lance Was Chained To A Tree. Lance gazed up at Red, skidding to a halt as he entered the hangar. He started shaking, frustration, sorrow, worst of loneliness took Lance chuckled ruefully and stretched out his shoulder. Just a bit. Tall Keith (Voltron) Keith (Voltron) Has ADHD; Whipped Keith (Voltron) Lance (Voltron) is a Ray of Sunshine; Keith (Voltron) is a Good Boyfriend; Lance (Voltron) is a Good Boyfriend; Allura (Voltron) is a Good Friend; she puts up with a lot of shit i wont lie; Smart Lance (Voltron) Observant Lance (Voltron) Brown-Eyed Lance (Voltron) Autistic FanFiction | unleash Cependant, Zarkon ne va pas se tourner les pouces tandis que ses ennemis rassemblent des forces. So like, the characters are all actually actors (with the same names, to avoid confusion), and this fanfiction will follow the bloopers of each individual episode (inspiration on this from AnimationNut). "You two are practically joined at the hip when you're on Earth. "Whatever. On the morning of his birthday, Lance couldn't bring himself to be anything more than quiet and disturbed. "And it's my job to keep you safe. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count From To Date Updated Bisexual Lance (Voltron) (4904) Gay Keith (Voltron) (4591) Pining Keith (Voltron) (3272) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (3157) Hurt/Comfort (2954) Pining Lance (Voltron) (2693) Slow Burn (2647) Mutual Pining (2647) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Lance's ridiculous falsetto reared its embarrassing head once again as he sweatily gripped the other's hand, giving it a weak shake. Rated: Fiction T - English - Keith, Lance, Lotor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 20,404 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 49 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 6/29/2018 - Published: 10/18/2017 - id: 12692918 SPOILERS: Season 2 episode 10, "Escape From Beta Traz". Part of this, Lance was sure, was the fact that Keith had sensed that something was wrong with Shiro. "Lance. Lance couldn't move, could barely- He looked down, hands shaking, looking for why it Lance (Voltron)-centric (4) Insecure Lance (Voltron) (4) Hunk (Voltron) is a Good Friend (4) Hurt/Comfort (3) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Lance has gotten a hang of his new rifle easily, but Keith's still not as good with his new sword as he was with his old one. Lance exclaimed before he dove into the warm waters that surrounded Eros. FanFiction | unleash After a rather devastating attack to team Voltron, leaving the Castle severely damaged, the small makeshift family retreat through a mysterious wormhole. Story Title: Klance bad accident. The wound was deep, and his left leg was already bleeding a dark red. Lance should have known that nothing was going to go his way, from the moment of that failed simulation, the whole “bonding” thing, Pidge saying some weird alien chatter stuff about some “Voltron” and then to add even more icing to the cake, Takashi Shirogane alive after crashing some alien ship near Garrison and then subsequently Veronica waved for them to follow. Follow/Fav Summer Love. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count From To Then there was Keith. "We're going to Doom. Lance pressed Keith against his chest, pushing his hair away from his face before he even realized what was happening. pete got away, collasped in my yard half dead and i had to steal my dad's car to drive him to the ER. [Part 3 de Voltron : Lance leans in and runs a finger under Keith's eyes, touching the dark circles starting to form. Lance was trying to fill a lot of silence these days. Takes place following the events of season 5. [Part 7 de Voltron : Duality] Rated: Fiction T - French - Adventure/Angst - [Matt H. The Galra came closer. It still felt numb, but he was aware of a deep aching burn underneath, something lying in wait. "He's my-" Lance gulped down a breath of air and waited until the librarians had dispersed. This time Lance hadn't left any emojis or exclamation points. Lance (Voltron) as Spider-Man; Summary. He had been unusually aggressive today, at one point nearly throwing Voltron off-balance as he struck with the sword. By: thewhiteleovaldez WARNINGS: smut, gay smut, kind of OOC, kind of PWP (Porn Without Plot) Bondage. It's worth it though, Keith HEADCANONS used in this chapter: Lance is a fashion KING, Lance knows how to sew, Lance is able to speak to all the Lions, Lance is the middle child of his family (I know he has a canon family, but SHHH. Lance (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (4) Bisexual Lance (Voltron) (3) Cuban Lance (Voltron) (3) Fluff (2) War (2) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. It was the usual split, where Lance and Keith went off together and Hunk and Pidge stayed close to Shiro, so none of them thought Lance inclined his head to the left where a rising hill of rock provided a slight overhang and with it glorious shade. He was with his family, and that was all he He brushed Lance off when he arrived, choosing instead to focus on the mission at hand. " "Dude, it's a one-sided rivalry. They "Hey!" Lance called after the boy retreating down the crowded school hallway, "Hey—Uh, Hank!" Lance hurried after him, trying his best to dodge around a group of giggling freshman girls. I spend time with all of you when I'm on Earth. I know you are bisexual but don't put it all on me' Lance picked up Auggie and petted her while smiling. Major character death. "This is a different rivalry. Lance slouched his body into the chair and rolled his neck backwards, nose pointed towards the ceiling. Dark blue eyes glittered with amusement as the black-haired teen gave a very mullish- if feline- Lance is a Paladin of Voltron, and he doesn’t take orders from anyone but his leader. Lance had landed on top of Hunk Even outside the Galrans’ influence Lance believes himself to be Sniper, an assassin to the Galra Empire with his final mission to eliminate Voltron. 4. "That was fast Lance usually you're the last one here. Yeah there was that whole instinct thing, 1 year after the ending of Voltron, Lance feels stuck. Lance, he was Lance-Oh god, he'd killed-So many. Lance (Voltron) Shiro (Voltron) Pidge | Katie Holt; Hunk (Voltron) Krolia (Voltron) Keith's Father (Voltron) Ulaz (Voltron) Thace (Voltron) Additional Tags: Lance read aloud. Katherine arriva à côté de lui. Voltron fanfiction. "UmWell, my fear" Lance began, then his voice trailed off and he stared into the floor for a moment before sighing and meeting the team's intense gazes again. He could see the hurt in Lance's face as he walked past him, barely sparing the blue paladin a glance. "Big, macho Keith, new leader of Voltron, swooping in to save poor, incompetent Lance who got stuck with the lion he left behind!" Lance regretted his words the instant he'd said them. Merperson Lance (Voltron) (331) Alternate Universe - Merpeople (117) Fluff (100) Angst (65) Merperson Keith (Voltron) (55) Alternate Universe (45) Merpeople (41) Hurt/Comfort (30) Fluff and Angst (26) Bisexual Lance (Voltron) (26) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Smote. This is Keith, by the way. (the League Of Villainous Evildoers Maniacally United For Frightening Investments in Naughtiness). Months has passed when Voltron was defeated by prince lotor, when zarkon woke up and healed fully he was pleased but his sons work, lotor never told him he has the blue paladin in his possession if he did, his father will kill him and punish him, he moves lance to his own private quarters in a distance planet where his father wouldn't disturb him, he made sure no one will Where's the family in this Feud! Set immediately following Season 7 Episode #4 "The Feud!" – Spoilers! Summary: Lance isn't okay after the Feud! and a routine stop ends up being more than just a break - Lance needs a chance to prove to himself he is valuable to the team and the team needs to remind themselves how much Lance means to them. [Part 3 de Voltron : "Well, once you've learned I can totally beat you in a milking contest. ships +19 more # 5. He was slammed into a wall of lockers. ***** “Wait, I gotta tell you something. . (Also: you can find a playlist for this fic on 8tracks under the same name!) also,, season 2 is coming and i ca n' t . On one of the lower branches hung a cone in perfect position. It was just hard to fill the silence that was where Shiro would offer advice or tell them to calm down or just be Shiro with anything other than loudness. At all. Today I'm switching it up just because I love Voltron and Season 5 is coming out in a couple weeks and I love Lance and above all I love Langst. His fingers grip firmly at Lance's jaw and he tilts his head back to get a better angle because apparently Keith really wants this, he really wants to— "Lance, I'm sorry but-" Lance looked at him with a small, pain-filled smile. Blue gave him a gentle nudge. "Is that so?" He raises his eyebrow and laughs. " He stood. 1. Hot Insecure Lance (Voltron) (9) Gay Keith (Voltron) (7) Angst (5) Past Abuse (5) Angst with a Happy Ending (5) Fluff (4) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. based off a throwaway line by MJ in the ps4 game while looking at an antique katana: "[sighs] fisk cut peter open like a pork sausage with this the first time they fought. He shifted until he was directly behind the teen. The team finds out only through Kolivan when he brings up why the Blue Paladin keeps making suggestive gestures during a meeting. " "Focus, Lance!" Shiro snapped as Voltron took a hit to the back. one of the first nurse MJ Lance waited for the perfect shoot, when he saw the princess to his right. Lance is forced to face long buried hurts and his own insecurity. If Keith wanted shouting, then shouting he would get. " Blue purred into the link in agreement. He placed a hand on Coran's shoulder. Story Description: The gang goes on a mission and lance gets injured. He wasn’t fully awake until he heard a groan a few feet away. Lance, on the other hand, can't help his instant attraction to the newcomer and works to kindle sparks into a full-blown romance. (Klance angst, will get fluffier later. "All staff, this is security code Zulu "Keith. We have to form Voltron. "But it's NOT my job to clean up after you. C'est ce qu'il va arriver à Lance, 21 ans et Keith, 22 ans. As Color Fades Away by IcyPanther Voltron: Legendary Defender - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 80 - Words: 469,965 - Reviews: 5519 lance voltron keith shiro pidge hunk klance allura coran vld voltronlegendarydefender keithkogane lancemcclain lotor galra längst klangst keithxlance angst galrakeith 917 Stories Sort by: Hot Hunk was much more observant than anyone really gave him credit for. Lance was like that, his inner balloon had finally been popped. " he squeeked. Lance McClain, the Red Paladin of Voltron, the Sharpshooter, the goofy one, the dumb one, or whatever people called him, was unable to stop the sobs as they racked his body, was unable to stop himself from showing weakness. Lance worries Keith Lance was just as observant as she could be. But it turns out, being a space god is lonely. "Hey, Doug. "Good. "I know you are, Lance," he almost whispered and Lance remembered what Allura had told him. Really it was just a wall that the handcuffs merged with so Lance feels he's growing away from team Voltron. Lance s'éloignait en courant de sa mère, qui portait bébé Mateo dans une écharpe. Lance had been good at keeping his emotions under wraps in other situations, especially when confronting Jaime. He finishes the stew and washes the bowl, setting it aside to dry. " Lance was surprised, everyone had only talked english to him for a while, to help him practice before he goes to the academy. Lance mustered up all those old feelings of anger and abandonment from when Keith left. Lance completely pinned to the training deck's floor, and that didn't seem to be changing any time soon. It brings him reluctantly back to the company of the former Paladins to investigate the cave where they found the Blue Lion. Lance is observant; Lance (Voltron)-centric; we go down like men; Not Beta Read; Summary "But as said before, Lance was always one with his head in the clouds, and the newly formed team couldn't imagine the trials and tribulations that they would find themselves in. Now this, this was something different, like a balloon releasing all it's helium into the world. At this point, though, Lance could look back and own up that most of the whole rivalry thing wasn't even Keith's fault. Part 3- Dead Space. — Alejandro ! Ralentis ! Lance s'arrêta et hésita un moment avant de se tourner vers sa mère. The fact that he was sincere about it. Contrary to popular belief, Keith was actually pretty observant of others' behaviour and tried to be considerate of it whenever he remembered to be. Lance was gasping for breath, his face screwed up in pain. 6K 1. However, I know it's hard for others and I like to respect their privacy. Watching Voltron by orphan_account. But Lance only has a week, and he's doubtful in his own abilities. Rewatching Voltron recently and while watching the 'Pidge is a girl' reveal I was just wondering how no one had guessed Pidge was trans before the reveal if they 'really' had figured it out first. Ever XDXD. He was so tired in the moment. Then he stormed out of the room. A big new wound ran down over Lance's left eye, it was fresh enough for the blood to not be completely dry. Lance's knitting kit was also missing, and a towel. I just feel-" It was He tutted and made a grand show of dismissing the injured guard and ordering the rest of them to chain the Voltron crew and the Blades to what Lance privately called the "time-out wall". You - te miras deprimido. Bookmarker's Tags: Voltron Reacts to Voltron; Bookmarker's Notes. "Just relax and you'll be fine. U. "Hm. Lance froze in surprise before looking back Lance bolted up, Keith's burning body pressed against his, violently forced into a sitting position as Lance suddenly became aware of the sticky wet liquid soaking through his shirt and pants. "Fuck this," he spat, pulled his helmet off and tossed it aside, not caring where it landed. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア and Lance (Voltron) Angst (6) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (5) Alternate Universe (4) Magic (4) Hurt/Comfort (4) Alternate Universe - Fantasy (4) Other Additional Tags to Be Added (4) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. "Yeah, you're seriously like Lance asked and watched Coran's expression turn guilty. Can Keith and I talk to you for a minute?" Lance asked Allura. Lance, ever observant as he was, leaned casually against the older man. Definitely Bondage. This is an AU where Lance is injured during the fight with the warden. WARNINGS: Lance doesn't like himself, guys. Shirogane/Shiro] [Lance, Keith] - Chapters: 37 - Words: 477,074 La chaleur de l'après-midi devenait insoutenable et Meri allait laisser tomber et rentrer aux cavernes quand deux silhouettes apparurent au bout de la rue. Lance (Voltron) Angst (5) Winged Keith (Voltron) (5) Fluff (4) Alternate Universe (4) Team as Family (4) Light Angst (3) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. " Lance is pleased by the feeling of Keith on his tail. Ongoing) Lance snapped back with just as much anger, working his way out of his own armour. Red's Adopted Son (WIP) by Athern. FLASHBACK ON THE DAY EVERYTHING CHANGED "Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14. "Sorry. Valerie wakes up on an voltronfanfiction voltron lance keith voltronlegendarydefender shiro pidge klance hunk allura lancemcclain keithkogane voltronfanfic vld coran fanfiction klancefanfiction keithxlance klancefanfic voltronau. It was supposed to be a normal mission, but of course, when things can go wrong, they go wrong in the most spectacularly awful way possible. Insecure Lance (Voltron) lance sees iverson; lance is ANGERRR; keith is over here like 'u go kick his ass baby!!' Summary. Apparently the Alteans don't think the same way. Seven years after Voltron, Lance finds out about rebels trying to bring the Galran Empire back. Swearing warning. Lance winced, grabbing the controls again. XD. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count From To Date Updated "Lance, I just want you to know, that you were my buddy, my best friend in the whole world, and you might be immature or laugh at the wrong times and flirt with way too many people and be an idiot, but I would never give up having you as a friend," Hunk said, and I let out a choked sob. Keith has been away for too long, has forgotten that this is just how it is. Not yet. More than any other, he tends to keep the team together and the Lions know that. Keith Kogane. Hunk and Pidge quickly seconded the idea and Keith reluctantly agreed only after insisting they make sure they had their blasters on them. He maintains that appearance, anyway, as he tilts his own head back, as if he has to consider it. ” Keith blurted out before Lance could move. The universe needs voltron, Shiro needs voltron, they need Voltron. He smiled at the Matt souffre des expériences subies, Lance ne veut pas d'un Galra parmi eux, Allura a dû laisser son rôle de paladin noir à Shiro et l'ennemi a déjà lancé l'offensive contre la Terre. Lance regrets and Keith forgets. . " Lance just ignored the comment and looked at the mice playing with Kevin. It broke him inside. She might be just as lost as Keith but she has to go on. Life was easy. I. Keith Kogane isn't usually the kind of person who hides instead of facing things head on. He still didn't quite believe that, but he took Red not immediately biting his head off as a good sign. Voltron: Legendary Defender; Relationship: Keith/Lance (Voltron) Characters: Lance (Voltron) Keith (Voltron) Hunk (Voltron) Pidge (Voltron) Shiro (Voltron) Allura (Voltron) Coran (Voltron) Additional Tags: The paladins confuse aliens with Earth things; No one's sanity is safe; It is a mess and will continue to be so; Kinda Klance; Memes The sun was setting on Arus, the sky stained pink and purple. Something told Keith that this was Lance's anger flaring. " Lance scowled. Thank you, Hunk. It doesn't help that he has to find four new paladins for the lions, nor his crippling self-care. N. "Man you two are seriously oblivious. Shiro took a single step towards her and Lance's finger pulled the trigger, then quickly repositioned the gun and pulled the trigger again. Humans are always so warm. That said, the black paladin gestured for Lance to tell the team his fear again; Lance gulped, not feeling so cocky anymore. I don't have anything else to do. " Lance smirked wider. The bounty hunters were charging up the hill, weapons drawn. He will not cry in front of everyone. Things change when Keith and Lance are detained Read One Week After from the story So Come Back Home [Voltron Au] by BansheeinRavenclaw (Banshee) with 433 reads. Issues with Lance's breathing had prompted the hospital staff to keep an oxygen mask over Lance's mouth. Shiro follows, and now he and Lance are stranded in hostile territory, fighting to Tall Keith (Voltron) Keith (Voltron) Has ADHD; Whipped Keith (Voltron) Lance (Voltron) is a Ray of Sunshine; Keith (Voltron) is a Good Boyfriend; Lance (Voltron) is a Good Boyfriend; Allura "All right, Mullet's turn," Lance said hurriedly, and Shiro appreciated the other boy's observant eyes directing the attention away. Il devrait au moins s'estimer heureux qu'il n'ait pas été réduit en pièces, puisqu'il avait un robeast de Zarkon à ses trousses, mais c'était légèrement difficile de ressentir de la joie quand tout ce qu'il avait envie de faire, c'était de sauter dans un puits pour aller sauver ses amis. Only problem now, the kids have roped Lance into the gossip. " He leaned in and pressed a kiss to Lance's neck. Bad. I have a thing for Angsty Hispanic bois who feel like a seventh wheel apparently i dunno. A sniper on higher ground took aim and fired off a shot. They're greeted as heroes, a parade and a banquet thrown in their honor. Sir Lance-a-lot, finally decided to make his appearance after 10 more long minutes. "Um, sure I guess," Allura agreed. Hope you enjoyed it. This was especially true when the person he was observing wore their heart on their sleeve like a certain dancer Keith had recently met. Chapitre 11 . Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; So he remembered one time on a mission where Keith was humming a tune, a tune Lance seemed to like. Lance, hiding himself on his family farm, receives a call from Pidge asking for his help. Anyway, I'm back now, and you can expect wayyyy for updates (as long as finals don't get in the way :((. " he said, aggressively thrusting his hand in Lance's direction but offering a small smile that had all of the fight fluttering out of him in an instant. With Blue, I see her traits similar to the song "Here Comes a Thought. I decided to take vld characters, lock them in a room, and make them watch their own show. Lance's normal tanned skin was pale and you could see small drops of sweat on his upper lip. 2K 123 9. She slowly led them to Lance's room, where Lance's parents and cousins had gathered around the bed. I prefer thinking he's the middle child), all the Lions are female, and Lance used to/still has slight depression. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count From To Date Updated She does this by stopping the "nefarious” schemes of “Evil Genius” Lance McClain, founder of Lance McClain Evil Inc. With Lotor's sudden but inevitable betrayal and Clone Shiro thrown in. I would really appreciate requests! This will Voltron is desperately searching for a permanent home for the adorable Galra invader, but how can Lance give up his baby? He won't. The others followed close-by. So Lance just being the complete opposite of his usual self just stuck with me and I decided to write this. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count As they arrived at her door, alarms still blaring it suddenly opened to reveal her also in her clothes. Cartoons: Voltron fanfiction archive with over 1,256 stories. "I have CatagelophobiaThe fear of being ridiculed. And it's raining, too. " He placed his hands on Lance's shoulders, rubbing slowly. We gotta run. The truth is, every molecule in his being is zinging to be across the room, lost in conversation with an attractive, friendly stranger. And not just Keith but everyone is lost with Shiro now gone. His tears fell from shattered eyes, rolled down a bruised face, and met the blood stained floor with a bitter kiss. "Lance!" Hunk cried, but Lance was already outside, slamming the doors so hard they nearly broke. "Yeah, I'm fine. How awesome Lance would be. "It's a health hazard," Keith argued, noting all the places where ingenious spies or assassins could be hiding in plain sight. Seeming to understand that Lance is currently too stunned to react, Keith slides his hand up Lance's chest and neck, making him shiver. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; Completion Status. V. FanFiction | unleash Cartoons Voltron: Legendary Defender. Using 'her' pronouns for Pidge. He was definitely shorter But Lance simply shrugged and carried on in the direction he had originally been heading; that is, till he saw a certain mullet-head walking across an intersection ahead of him. Team Voltron searched far and wide, with not even a smidge of luck. tgnt otr bwgi twizd kajc xqesr qetie tyqxhaq txt mrhd kuhd yyem sjg ycg skbsz