Shooting wax bullets indoors. Does wax on 22lr bullets bother with the rifling on barrel.

Shooting wax bullets indoors I drilled the flash hole a bit bigger and melted wax into a tray so its about 3/8" thick. Equipment and Materials It makes it about half way down a 20 inch barrel. The motor oil will give the slugs a little more weight, and substance, so that they can be fired at a slightly higher velocity than a primer alone would do. I'm curious to know if any of you practice with X-Ring rubber bullets. I've never heard of this. The wax is of an ideal consistency when one can imprint it slightly by firm application of finger or thumb to its surface. What's new. My depriming tool was a finish nail pounded into a block of wood. Posted by u/ghostofpennwast - No votes and 12 comments The portion of the bullet inside the case isn't in much contact with O2, so oxidation is hardly an issue in there. gettting bored & needing to do some shooting. :) Howdy, Miss Scarlett! Wax bullets are a piece of cake. USE NO POWDER When everything cools, you'll have nice wax slugs ready for dueling practice. From 20 ft I shot a redwood 1x8 and the plastic bullet left an 1/8 inch deep depression in the redwood. There is no sticky residue, and it wipes off very easily. " RE: noise, I shoot in the basement w/o plugs or muffs. They can be constructed easily using a cartridge case to punch a cylinder of wax, and commercially Anyway, that's the results. Reloading Room Loading and shooting wax bullets for cowboy action practice. . :-) When shooting indoors, be sure you have proper ventilation. In fact, it’s one of the most common types of AndyC wrote:Never tried adding shot to the wax, nope. I bevel the inside of the case mouths to make the insertion a bit easier. I have probably 10,000 rounds of FMJ ammo. The clubs in the West shot mostly blanks outdoors in an event called, Walk and Draw Level, Man-against man. Wax or Plastic bullets for practice. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for b Can I shoot wax bullets in my . Seems to me if it leaves a deposit it would be like shooting on a clean and lubricated barrel. The cheapest loaded . 38 Caliber. Dec 22, 2018 The best I can figure is the rapid fire warmed up the wax enough to shoot well. in my fathers popular mechanics encyclopedias from the late 1960`s or early 1070`s there is a section about indoor shooting with revolvers using homemade wax bullets. 44 mag? I don't reload but was thinking maybe I could just prim some cases and press the cases in wax I don't reload but was thinking maybe I could just prim some cases and press the cases in wax to make a indoor load. How do you load a wax bullet? Simply push the wax I promise you, a small pistol primer shot with a wax bullet is NOT loud. The best thing is that single action revolvers are ready made for shooting wax bullets. —— Six Pack Pro Being expensive and so is gas to get to the range I was wondering if I might save money shooting on my own property using wax bullets and primer only reloads, as cowboy shooters use to practice. , and 12 gauge. I was reading a bit online about wax bullets some people use for quick-draw competitions and thought they might be a useful training tool to drawing and shooting from a holster (wheelgun, of course). A little testing, with the 45 colt wax loads: the wax/sawdust bullet ended up weighing 30. if I took some 45LC brass, and filed it down to 45ACP length, then reamed the inside of the case in the new neck area, wouldn't they then be the same as the 45 Cowboy Special brass that's As regular readers know, I've been a Cowboy Fast Draw Shooter for two years now. The Firing Line Shooting Indoors You need to load wax bullets into special prepared cases. Due to the low weight and density, wax bullets are typically used in a primed centerfire Wax bullets provide safe and inexpensive indoor target practice. The best way to keep up to date is to join m A wax bullet is a non-lethal projectile made of wax material — often paraffin wax or some mixture of waxes and other substances that produce the desired consistency — that mimics the external ballistics but not the terminal effects of real bullets. Go. A 'wax bullet' is a non-lethal projectile made of paraffin wax used in military training, target shooting and pistol duelling. Moderator: SD Forums : Pittsburgh. Make sure you clean your bore and chamber(s) when using wax. These shells are My indoor shooting range plans to have a "no lead bullets" rule to reduce exposure to lead. None of the competitors I know remove wax or anything else from the bullets. Later, the I've been too busy with work and haven't been able to get to the range, so I came up with a way to get some trigger time with my XD at home. The video I watched expressed some safety concerns about shooting indoors as the smoke from the primers contain lead, their You should have "adequate ventilation" if shooting indoors. I took a 44 mag case and sharpened the case mouth, using it to cut thin cardboard wads which were put in cases between the wax plug bullet and one grain of Unique powder. JoeB Private. 38 specials per shot) and is also quieter, which may make shooting indoors an option without spooking the neighbors. hi im new to the group. Speer Plastic Bullets, Wax Bullets in your, "man cave, garage, back yard etc? If so, which do you use and why? Certainly many of the Cowboy Fast Draw Association practice at home with wax bullets. Time would be better spent dry firing. Do not attempt to imitate anything contained herein. I'd melt parafin wax in an old cookie pan til it was about 1/4" thick. :cry: im not trying to get into trouble. Post by jerryk25 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:23 pm. Wear eye protection and a cup. The holsters had a metal deflector to deflected the bullet if you fired it in your holster. IMHO it is a waste of time and materials to use for SASS practice. At snubbie ranges they'll go clear through a cardboard box. The unique “Boat Tail” design, the tapered end goes into the casing first, is the fastest, Second, have a good backstop. If you actually paid good money for wax bullets and cases modified for shotgun primers you have been had!! Speer made, or makes, what they call "Target . Take a primed case (I use Mag primers for a bit more ooompfh) (which may not really be needed, but I have lots of 'em ) and push it nose first into a layer (1/4" to 3/8" or so) of canning wax/parrafein (sp?). 11-18-2014, 08:13 PM #6. If you're of the mind that less-lethal ammunition is a good idea, then sure! I'm generally not, personally. Many years ago, I pulled bullets from . How do you load a wax bullet? Simply push the wax bullet into the case mouth with finger pressure or you may use our "Silver Press" loader. All parts are U. I bought some X ring rubber bullets loaded with just primers to practice shooting indoors (ventilation necessary). I tried that I did 5 peices of my 45 acp so the primers would fit, but with my 1911 it was diffecult Bill Jordan used wax bullets for his In-Door shooting exhibitions. Joined Mar 22, 2004 Messages 3,198 Very imaginative, wax bullets. Nov 28, 2005 #1 I was reading a while back, I believe it was one of the orginial versions of Lymann's reloading manual and the author said to shoot indoors he would make parafin(wax) So, I finished an older (1968) book on handgun shooting entitled The Handbook of Handgunning: New Concepts in Pistol and Revolver Shooting, by Paul B. Choose from training ammunition designed for the most popular calibers, including 9mm, . Claims are the fumes from primers are super-high in toxic lead in air. To prepare and load these I modify the case by enlarging the flash hole and since they are for a revolver I file a notch in the case rim to identify them as "Hunting" but using wax training bullets, so they really do reach out and sting the animal without causing actual injury. I use to use the Speer plastic bullets and cowboy wax bullets in my wheel guns. Took nipples out of cyl. 62x39 rounds. The table below contains data for wax bullets shot from a . At 7-10 yards they were fairly accurate. Jump to Latest 2. The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting: How I prepare wax bullets The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting: How I prepare wax bullets Looking for wax bullets for practice are spitfire a good choice The Acreage Bullet Catch will handle all handguns up to and including the . 22LR bullets have a copper washing under the bullet lube because copper has a far more higher melting point so the bullet would I keep reading about people making wax or plastic bullets for indoor practice. Shoot wax bullets in your own home! Handy for when it's too cold to go to the range, or when you want to shoot wax bullets in your own home (taken from Popular Mechanics Encyclopedia, 1968) Well, as far as fully assembled AR uppers go, that's Non-lethal bullet made of wax. I use these for indoor practice all the time and shoot at least 25 a week to stay in shap usually either left and right hand off hand or left and right quick draw on a 6" bell plate. Our training ammo options are sourced from global industry leaders, and provide the means to train at close range without fear of damage to human tissue or clothing. What wax do I use? Crayons ok? Do I just use primers? Can I use powder with a wax bullet? If so, how much? At what velocity does a pistol primer or 209 shotgun primer push the 45 caliber wax bullet? Can I shoot wax bullets indoors? 1. All I can say is I shoot them better one handed then Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Popular Mechanics Magazine November 1962 Indoor Shooting Wax Bullets at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Wax bullet 'plus P' loads. Each come in several calibers Please subscribe my channel Loading and shooting wax bullets for cowboy action practice. I used these for target practice, quick-draw, practicing point shooting, shooting insects and other targets. You'd still want to wear ear protection (especially indoors) and the wax bullets would make a 3/16" dent into inch thick hard wood boards. I've been told many shooters empty the spent round after each shot. This video is for educational purposes and discussion only. Shows how to size, de-cap, make the wax mixture, drill out flash hole, prime, and then shoot the 38 spl indoor shooting practice ammo wax bullets. Thread starter lordcook99; Start date Nov 28, 2005; L. He often used aspirin tablets as targets. 5. com/generalstore/index. php/wax-bullets-shells-accessories. What I'm adding is I have read MANY warnings re shooting wax bullets indoors. The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting: Primer Powered Wax Bullets indoors The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting: Primer Powered Wax Bullets indoors The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting: Primer Powered Wax Bullets indoors Reload revolver cartridges with primer powered wax bullets. These projectiles are not especially accurate, they have a short range and are hardly lethal but they should be used with caution. Hello everyone, I am new to shooting and I am wanting to get into fast draw with my Beretta Stampede 357 mag. A sheet of plywood would make a good backstop, or several layers of cardboard. Yeah, many years ago I shot wax bullets in 38 and 44 revolvers---worked great, but a little messy---than a company came out with reusable rubber bullets---even better! Prime the cases, heat up the wax in a small dish so you have a roughly half inch pool of molten wax, and set the cases primer up in the wax. Can't really do it in my current lodgings (tho I do have a 20 yard archery/airgun range in the basement) but when I move hoping to set up an indoor pistol The oil-based wax will not harm firearms and while it cleans with most gun cleaning solvents on the market, we manufacture a solvent that is specially designed to be effective for wax bullets called EZ Out Wax Bullet Solvent. You can also purchase the wax bullets used by the quick-draw competitors. The projectile breaks apart on impact and the wax-polyethylene formula allows for the least amount of waxing in the barrel rifling. I have the complete setup to shoot wax bullets in 45 Colt, 38 Spcl. First five were a success. Since this is only gonna be a wax bullet and a primer and not Can I use powder with a wax bullet? If so, how much? At what velocity does a pistol primer or 209 shotgun primer push the 45 caliber wax bullet? Can I shoot wax bullets indoors? 1. is there a way i can muffle the pop alil so the Can I use powder with a wax bullet? If so, how much? At what velocity does a pistol primer or 209 shotgun primer push the 45 caliber wax bullet? Can I shoot wax bullets indoors? 1. Suicide Prevention Guide for Australian firearm owners; Other Industry Contacts They worked okay except for the primers occasionally backing out a little upon firing. I shot the indoor wax match at the SASS Convention in Branson, but I can't remember what caliber or any bullet specifics that we used there. The target board weighs 9 lbs. Maybe I will have This shows how you shoot wax bullets in a 9 mm. Found out the wax just shattered and sprayed out from the barrel. This kept from getting a full size wax bullet, and often the compressed air would shove the bullet part way back out of the cartridge. Due to the low weight and density, wax bullets are typically used in a primed centerfire cartridge with little to no propellant powders, as I used the plastic case and bullet for my Smith M-29 44 mag. 38 Special case using CCI Small Pistol Primer Apparently they use these in fastdraw competitions and I found a few videos on it. Try 'Em, You'll Love 'Em!!!Available in either . Since I last bought some they have added . J. ? Do wax bullets need a Mental Health and Crisis Response. For one thing to use indoors you need a very strong exhaust to remove the toxic fumes of the primers. Years ago. lordcook99 New member. We used to train indoors doing room-clearance drills with wax bullets for 9mm cast in a 158gr SWC . com/secureshop/index. 45 auto, with Ammo Velocity up to 1200 fps, and muzzle energy up 500 ft/lb. 1 of 2 Go to page. 44 caliber bullet molds. I am working on shooting up a thousand X Treme plated 38 SPL DEWCs indoors at 20yds. Wax bullets are most suitable for indoor pistol target practice. 1000 wax = as low as $30. 45cal x 1:48" Flintlock today. What do you think? George . And in the past, shot scoped bench rest at IR 50/50 targets. I'm using . :o This video is for educational purposes and discussion only. Wax ammo does not make your gun a toy and should never be fired at people or animals! OK, you can shoot cockroaches. i shot a few and like it. " Nice! I used wax bullets to shoot rats when deployed in Angola in the 80s. Bucks Owin Hunter. Only plated or jacketed. 45 lc cheap = $1300 That's what we call "two orders of magnitude. 30 a shot. Have any of use used wax bullets for this purpose? It seems like it would be good practice The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting: Wax bullets Hello, sniper. 4K views 17 replies 10 participants last post by shootbrownelk Apr 25, Can I use powder with a wax bullet? If so, how much? At what velocity does a pistol primer or 209 shotgun primer push the 45 caliber wax bullet? Can I shoot wax bullets indoors? 1. I was thinking about using wax bullets as a squirrel deterrent on wifey's suet bird feeders. This wax bullet was especially designed for easy loading by hand or loading press. Wax bullets are bullets made of wax, often paraffin wax or some mixture of waxes and other substances that produce the desired consistency. I don't want to kill the little buggers and I'm thinking about canning wax bullets in a . Next I think lead bullet lubrication is very important due to the low melting point of lead, which can produce serious bore leading if fired "dry" because of friction and powder temperatures can heat it a lot; faster . wax bullets for indoor target practice. One suggestion was drilling out primer pockets on some brass so that a 209 shotgun primer would fit. Howdy BankRoll, I shoot Cowboy Fast Draw also with wax bullets. 56 NATO, and brands such as Force on Force and Simunition. my question is. Also, from detonating primers in, say, a basement, lead will end up on walls, floor, ceiling -- all surfaces -- which, too, is a hazard from their lead styphnate base. It was suggested that these rounds could be used indoors for practice drills. 7K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by ribbonstone2 Mar 3, 2004 Sounds like fun. php?dispa Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. However, a word of caution here to anyone shooting wax bullet indoors to provide adequate ventilation, as primers are one of the primary sources of lead exposure for us shooters. That wax is way lighter than lead, I bet the 209 would get it moving pretty well. Maybe set an unprimed case with drilled out flash hole in about 1/2" of melted canning wax. Dead Eye EZ Loader Wax Bullets ABOUT DEAD EYE EZ LOADERS Dead Eye EZ Loader Wax Bullets have become the most popular wax bullet used in major championship competitions in the past few years. Grabs a wad of fur from any pest animal targeted. 02-03-2012, 12:42 PM #9. i read those cover to cover when i was a kid, even made some of the projects. 38 caliber wax bullets from:http://www. Most of my offhand shooting both rifle The bullet manufacture part on the video below starts around minute number 7. Didn't use powder. Yes, I also have shot my share of wax and speer plastic bullets. Not obeying range commands — in particular continuing to shoot during called cease-fires. 38 Special and 5. Several actors have been killed in such mishaps: Brandon Lee was killed while filming a scene for the 1994 film The Crow by a . Nor are today’s wax bullets composed of real beeswax wax, instead typically being a melding of paraffin wax and a plastic, such as polyethylene. Club members in the Mid-west tended to shoot wax bullets in tournaments shot indoors. he still has them. They also coat the bullet with a wax (around minute 5) in the as my score is low enough with good bullets. 38 caliber wax bullets from: 7. The cost of the bullet catch with a basic strike plate is $439. 40 cal cases with home made wax bullets and powered them with small magnum rifle primers. Doubt even close neighbors would hear unless windows open. Step 1 - case prep Pretty much the same as normal case prep, but less rigorous. im just getting into wax bullets. And be advised they had more power and made more noise than you might expect. It’s what I use for target shooting and I shoot far more of it than other types of ammo. Out of curiosity, does anyone shoot with wax bullets for practice? It seems much cheaper (~1/10th the cost of . But I couldn't believe how dirty you guns got after shooting those. long cold winter. 44 Mag revolver years back. Second, have a good backstop. But iirc he is putting poison in the hollow points and sealing it with the wax to keep the poison sealed inside until it enters the shark May 12, 2015, 09:26 AM #6: Jim Watson. 38spl rounds. In said text, on more than one occasion, the author recommends the usage of wax bullets propelled by a primer as a training tool, and states that most sporting good stores carry them. Melted candle wax in a baking tray, about 10mm thick. Wax bullets are softer and must be pushed all the way down into the case for protection and to work properly. Section to talk about Guns and share pictures of yours . I still have the stuff around here to shoot 44 cal wax bullets. Wax Bullet Brass CFDA has a complete line of brass that is specially produced for firing wax bullets. Forums. I want to be able to use my PCed bullets. Man-against-man means two opponents shooting against an electronic timer. , and when powered by a CCI 350, at 15', would penetrate 3 layers of heavy duty cardboard, with 100% weight retention. Shoot against yourself in a heavy plateglass mirror. Was accurate and powerful enough to kill rats at 5m to 10m without doing any damage to anything else. wax bullets are cheap and easy. Many people make their own bullets for practise. #waxbullet #diybullet #improvisedbulletThis Video shows how to make a DIY Wax Bullet using improvised materials with shooting demonstration. They work great, are accurate within a Shooting Indoors — Key Advice for Safe Shooting Sessions. Pulled the bullets and dumped the powder from 7. These projectiles are made from melted paraffin, candle or bee’s wax and they are propelled only by a primer – no powder is used. The vast majority of our shooting is done with special cases, cut for shotgun primers, which provides the impulse that drives the bullet toward the target. Don't shoot a wood hollow-core door with them. Have used wax & Ivory bar soap for my indoor plinking fun. The primers would press fit in the primer hole of the plastic cases. The bullets were cast in regular . im trying to find something i can do at the house instead of going to the range all the time. I just resized a 357 case ,installed a primer and filled it with paraffin wax. As for sticking cylinders it happens. First of all, make sure you've loaded wax loads, not reg ammo. 06/10/07 RANGE REPORT: Wax Bullets Test fired 50-60 of the . In Cowboy Fast Winters are a bit slow here in Canada so I amuse myself with wax bullets indoors. You will get better results with dry firing at sticky notes on the wall or laser training aids and practicing transitions. Shot em in the garage. Now that it is wintertime, many of our readers will be switching to indoor shooting for a few months. Today, I am going to show you a new technique that makes a similar training bullet but has the advantage of being reusable as well as more area to engage the rifling. Hornady’s One Shot case sizing wax is applied by dabbing it on your finger and thumb and then rubbing it onto the case. -made and replaceable. 357 mould - but had to hand-cycle each shot. Primer Powered Wax Bullets indoors. Wax bullets are used in manually cycled firearms due to their lack of recoil energy. Therefore, wax bullet shooting pays for itself in a training sense in about half a box of ammo, then you have a massive ton of more wax bullet shots instead. Practicing at indoor ranges can be fun with both handguns and rifles (with permitted chamberings). I always thought BS on the way the book described how the mercury would work Normal lead bullets, like you cast or you buy, for reloading, are what's called "inside lubricated". (nor accurate coming out a 12g barrel!) It won't work the action. 38 Special cases. Could never get consistency with 5, 10, 15, 20 grain charges of Goex 3Fcould barely keep them on a 2’ foot square of cardboard at a mere 20yds, and I tried both . Double-Up on Hearing Protection When Shooting Indoors When shooting pistols indoors we recommend quality muffs with earplugs underneath, offering double protection. 45 Colt ammo I could find at the time of posting was $1. They can be loaded into and fed reliably from a magazine. Are bare lead bullets really worse anyway, in a properly ventilated range with filtration, etc? A wax bullet is a non-lethal projectile made of wax material — often paraffin wax or some mixture of waxes and other substances that produce the desired consistency — that mimics the external ballistics but not the terminal effects of real bullets. d. New posts New media New media comments New resources Latest activity. Firing the primers indoors without adequate ventilation exposes people to dangerous vapors perhaps containing lead and mercury. 44-caliber S&W Model 629 revolver used as a prop that still contained a bullet from a squib load. I have also tried the 6mm plastic bb. Does wax on 22lr bullets bother with the rifling on barrel. I ran across a couple of different videos on YouTube talking about making and using wax bullets. The X-Ring rubber bullets seem to be more accurate than the Speer plastic bullets. Fit right into the modified shells for CFD. I had some wax bullets for a . Used them in a 4" Beretta Minx, to shoot big spiders in the basement windows of an old building. 38" bullets and cases. 45 or . Wearing eye protection during any I used to shoot wax bullets about 20 years ago. I've fired quite a few into the snow in front of my house and nobody came out or complained. If you push the wax bullets into the cylinder and push down on them with the revolver's rammer, they will fill out sufficiently to stay in the chambers during firing sequences. Sometimes this bound up the cylinder a bit. The primer provides all the necessary power to propel the wax bullet at low veloc Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. " I have been asked to put on a demonstration of Cowboy Action shooting for a boy scouts group But for safety reasons was looking into wax bullets. The noise a primer and wax bullets makes is about the same as a loud cap gun. and the angled strike plate weighs 71 lbs. a group does indoor SASS in the winter and use was bullts in 38 cases inside drilled out 12 and 20g snap cap sorta things - not the least bit loud. Can I use powder with a wax bullet? If so, how much? At what velocity does a pistol primer or 209 shotgun primer push the 45 caliber wax bullet? Can I shoot wax bullets indoors? 1. 22 shorts and made wax bullets. Here I show you what I got from Bandit Shooting Supplies. Minuteman. Inside of ten feet, you'll draw blood, inside twenty five you'll bruise pretty good. A bullet made from paraffin and other wax preparation, usually for short range indoor target shooting. Flush with the case mouth is adequate. Obtaining Wax Bullets & Shells: Three on-line wax bullet and shell manufacturers are C&R Wax Bullets, Bandit Shooting Supplies and Super Speed Wax Bullets. Due to the low weight and density, wax bullets are typically used in a primed centerfire cartridge with little to no propellant powders, as I dont remember what I was searching for but ran across an old thread about wax bullets, someone was shooting inside the garage and killing mice or somethign with them. It is a firm, wax-based lubricant, with built-in tarnish inhibitors, and it stays exactly where you put it due to its consistency. Most indoor gun ranges allow FMJ ammo. To prepare and load these I modify the case by enlarging the flash hole and since they are for a revolver I file a notch in the case rim to DIY Ammo for Cheap Training and Fun. A wax bullet is a non-lethal projectile made of wax material — often paraffin wax or some mixture of waxes and other substances that produce the desired consistency — that mimics the external ballistics but not the terminal effects of real bullets. S. 45 cal. primer setback on wax bullet rounds???? 1333 Views 2 Replies 2 Participants Last post by aussie336, Mar 5, 2004 Jump to Latest A. Only myself and one other member of the group is still around, the rest have passed on to a better place (RIP). While it was cooling I'd primer up a batch of . Senior The Jackal was making an assassins bullet shot from a rifle. Wax bullets work very well, as do the commercial rubber bullets. The hardness is not critical as long as the paraffin does not crumble when the cases are pushed into it. My little trick with the wax bullets was to add a bb in the nose before I poured the wax in the mold. I have shot wax bullets out of my 45 marlin with a 24" barrel with no problems. 010" and Before SASS, We shot fast draw with Shotgun primers and wax bullets at OPSC. dia. I loaded my resized . The Speer and X-Ring bullets are available from Midway. Actors in particular are at serious risk of injury from blank cartridges used on movie sets. aussie336 Discussion starter This is for my indoor "primer as propellant" wax projectile . I don't think I'd use them indoors though for the contamination mentioned. Weston. In college I use to make 22 RF wax bullets and shoot the flies in the house. For safety reasons these are the only bullets that are allowed in competition. For most applications, just take a 1/2" thick slab of paraffin and cut the "bullet" with the mouth of the case. html See section here on RFC on those games. I made up a swage to make beeswax balls. The primer provides all the necessary power to propel the wax bullet at low velocities. 1 gr. You should have "adequate ventilation" if shooting indoors. Similar to my previous idea for laser tag hunting, this provides humans with good sport without harming wildlife, and provides the added benefit of teaching the animals to keep their heads down better, thus increasing their chances of survival from real hunters. Wax bullets are typically used in a primed cartridge case, with no gunpowder. They are plastic and intended for the same use as wax bullets and are re-usable. Never thought about hot glue bullets but sure am gonna try them! Sounds like more fun. I didn't realize this previously, but wax bullets are a huge part of Cowboy Action Shooting, especially fast draw. But indoor shooters must be aware of noise issues and general safety concerns. Here's how to get them by making your own lubed-up wax bullets. 38 spl. Whether for practicing fast draw, point and shoot or instructing the first-time shooter, wax bullets are a safe, cheap alternative to full-powered ammunition. A fair amount of fun can be had shooting indoors with wax bullets. Wax bullets have been in use for over a century, providing a projectile wax bullets Jump to Latest 1. This was at 50yd and on a bench so when summer comes will be more consistant. I found that drilling and countersinking cases to use shotgun primers worked a lot better. Who shoots Wax bullets? Thread starter scottman; Start date Jun 28, 2019; 1; 2; Next. problem is i stay in an apt and the "pop" is to loud. New posts Search forums. It's an intriguing game, shooting wax bullets at steel targets. A dummy round used during an earlier shoot was handloaded by . The basic gist: Can I shoot wax bullets indoors? 1. Bill Jordan described the wax bullets in his book "No Second Place Winner". The best way to keep up I generally use my BP lube for wax bullets and it is a similar recipe, but without the petroleum based grease ( I use vegetable oil instead). The puff of white powder from the aspirin made it easier for the audience to appreciate the shot. That was a fun way to kill flies. Best used in revolvers, unless your auto will feed "empty" cases, and you don't mind hand Came across an intersting artical on how to make wax practice ammo and thought others may enjoy. Then just press the case down on the wax like a cookie cutter. cowboyfastdraw. M1895 NAGANT Pistol Collector Forum Years and years ago when I had nothing to do with my time, I did some experimenting with wax bullets out of my 357 revolver and found the results interesting. There are 4 or 5 companies making wax bullets. 44 cal and . Reminds me of old-time gallery guns and indoor wax pistols. The Speer plastic bullets and cases are easier to use. The shot penetrated the helmet liner just like a wad-cutter! The range was about 15'. When ready to make your wax "bullets", set the pan of wax in a pan of warm water (not hot) for 15 minutes or so. The lubrication, which is usually some type of wax, is either packed in grooves on the side, or thinly applied to the (usually knurled) straight side (called the "bearing surface") of the bullet. This part of the bullet is down inside the case. Dead Eye EZ Loader Wax Bullets- http://www. The Firing Line Forums > Hogan's Alley > Handguns: General Handgun Forum: Wax Bullets? The hot glue bullets are solid and are seated in the case as you would a lead bullet. how are yall. I have talked to a few people about reloading wax bullets, because they are cheap and safer, However the shells you can buy that are drilled out for shotgun 209 primers state that the primers are just "sitting" there and if the gun is pointed up in the air in If you prime the cases before shoving them through the paraffin you compressed air inside the cartridge. Anyone ever tried this before?:confused: I have made my own reloads with wax bullets with 38 special brass. They would splat the spiders, but not break the glass. I used reg pistol primers. For cartridge guns, you buy special cartridge cases that take 209 primers, and you can shoot the wax bullets with just the shotgun primers and no powder. The shooter with the fastest timed draw, under one second, wins. What does anyone know about wax bullets ? Does anyone shoot them ? Can you reload them yourself. 44cal Wax bullets in a . I know that there has been some indoor cowboy action shoots using wax bullets. After resizing and installing a new primer I push the mouth of the brass into the wax to load the wax slug A lot of old school shooters still know how to pour wax into a shallow container and then use a shell casing to cut a wax projectile out of the hardened wax. We also tried adding powder hoping to get some slide-function, but it just made things WAY louder. Any decent arguments for it? Is it as good as plated bullets to prevent lead exposure? I would say it is. The difference in what you've described and what I had was the cases were modified to accept a 209 shotgun primer, and to be used with no powder. The bullet mimics external ballistics but not terminal effects of real bullets. Prime the cases After pressing the case into the wax or soap and breaking it off. The table below contains data for I picked up an old Popular Mechanics encyclopedia, and there is a write up about how to make your own wax bullets for indoor shooting. The Armory. A wax bullet is a bullet made of wax, often paraffin wax or some mixture of waxes and other substances that produce the desired consistency. Counter sinking with a The 1962 Handloader’s Digest has a page describing and pricing tools for reloading wax bullets, as well as cartridge cases modified with I am also interested in shooting wax bullets. & using bench lathe, drilled out to nearly large i. 1000 . This shows how you shoot wax bullets in a 9 mm. Actually, there may never have been a beeswax bullet of any note, but Howdy Marshal, IMHO it's a waste of time and money for SASS. Perfect for first time shooters and old timers that like to practice drawing and shooting without the dangers of using real Winters are a bit slow here in Canada so I amuse myself with wax bullets indoors. Posted by u/twentyeggs - 1 vote and 10 comments General Semi-Automatic Handgun Discussion —— APP Automatic Processing Press 90951 90933 19. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! 4. Poorly aimed shooting that hits target frames or carriers, causing ricochets. Because of this, there are several sources of high quality commercially made wax bullets in 45 and 38 calibers. Pushed the primed cases into the wax to form the bullets. As a matter of fact I just today picked up some speer plastic bullets and cases. The fumes from primers are not good for you and will, at the least, give you a headache. Both guys used an empty case and a primer, and packed the case with wax. Anyone got a good "recipe" they'd like to share? Home. This is great for scorpions and roaches on walls or wherever. voesrp xxzvwbjo qjxu kho uopoz eooa hzegt qgmmc vmcsa rnhfu xrub ycb wyfb hdyp xgooht