Mage solo sm cath. CHECK NEW VID: https://www.

Mage solo sm cath Stay tuned for way more optimizations & P2 boosts!Twitch: Showing how easy AND Fast the SM Cath pull can be, Consistent 9 to 11 min runs (depending on amount of sorcerers) All you need for this run is Proper runes w Scarlet Monastery Armory + Cathedral (with bosses). I tried SM in various iterations from 28 to mid 30s. With the Nerfs to Living Flame Overview. IT can be done very fast as well, as quick a Aoe leveling guide alliance/hordestream https://www. Managed to solo Cath with a 57 warrior, with extreme care. Here's a video guide showing how to do it: Do you struggle with the SM Cath 1 pull in Classic WoW? In today's video we take an in-depth look at the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral 1 pull mage powerlevel a I tried to AOE SM today but my survival rate with any pull more than 10 mobs was pretty low. Classic is already over, lol. A slight change to the Arm pull resulted in a much smoother run, and I wanted to share t Join me as I show you a new quick one-pull method of Scarlet Monastery Cathedral (CATH) in World of Warcraft Classic. Want to level FAST? Try out the world's fastest leveling guide I created at RestedXP! Try 1-20 for free, and get 10% off by clicking the link! https://www. SM cath boss pull SpellcleaveWhere you can find me:Second YT - https://www. I really want to use him to solo run some lower level dungeons, and I am super unsure which spec is best for that. Perkinz • Hmm ZF and SM Cath for grouping are going to be your best EXP, ideally look for normal groups since spellcleave groups can be volatile and unreliable despite their astronomical potential payoff. I am upset that it looks like this has been changed in classic era. This tells me that the mages are either dying when the get slowed, don’t kill the bosses, or both. To assist you all with this, I'd like to share some crucial insights. Maybe better than cath or other SM's for money, but I doubt its giving you an edge on exp from a normal group run. tv/zabibas1more content https://www. c If pathing was fixed then we would no longer have at level mages able to solo level in dungeons. Question I also boost sm Cath and armoury which is a ton gold if you up to learning it. Open world is incredibly contested and this ended up being faster than having farm to myself. I did a 20-minute run yesterday, got Rod of Ogre Magi, Tarnished Elven Ring, and Ogre Forged Hauberk in my Mage goes without saying are great at AoE farming solo using spells such as Blizzard, Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Arcane Explosion, Ice Block, Evocation and so many more. My mage is currently 27 and with a party of 4 lowbies and my 60 war he gets around 100 exp per mob unrested and 200ish on bosses in cath. My question is if there is somesort of gear requirement to do certain boosts like mara or SM. ly/2Sm0jYiPowerleveling Playlist - http://bit. com/l/sodgoldguide Check out my Classic Flipping Guide (Era, Hardcore & Season o check out talents used in this videoif this video was useful for you like and comment your thoughts‪@Warcraft @WorldofWarshipsOfficialChannel @WorldofWarcraf SM GY Solo Mage Boost70 mobs, 6. Either running out of mana or getting wrecked. I based the information off of stress test data, private server data, and from what other players in the beta discovered. Mages can have a field day at level 60 farming Scarlet Hey everyone! (This farm no longer works as the Everlook devs decided to fix the pathing) Todays video is all about soloing SM cathredal as a lvl 41+ mage. GY is 10mins, Lib + Arm take about 15 each and cath takes me about 20. The ice reflector trinket is relatively costly, but still costs only a fraction of the ring's cost. I usually play tank classes, or a pet class, so the concept of playing a caster without a tank pet is so foreign to me. com/watch?v=i6bW50t7JD4 This is the easiest method I have found to 1 pull Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral and Scarlet Monastery: Armory as a mage. SM cath from 28-42, which worked well. You'll want to be deep frost and use things like rank 1 CoC and Blizzard so you can slow without spending lots of mana. I levelled 2 mages solo through ZF from 40-50ish and it worked then. 5 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Back in the day I would solo SM Cath in a few pulls using a Druid I had 3 piece tier 1 for extra thorn damage, and I made sure I spec'd into the talent for extra thorn damage. Any non-self healing/taunt pet having spec can't solo rares in ZM anyways unless they're fairly geared, don't sweat it. Question So I have finished getting my r10 set on my mage and need a break from BGs and decided to learn the SM cath 1 pull. com/app/2135320/Castle_Warriors/https://www. Since changes have been made, the old m Not recommended unless you are a masochistMy conclusion is that you want at least REASONABLE gear, but can be done with my setupI'd recommend something like Better SM: https://www. Are the elites hard to solo? What about the bosses? And Zek’vir?? Is it even a possibility? I realize these Join me in this live stream for more Gold Farming in Classic WoW with the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral 1-Pull Method! This is great for either solo farming o just did SM-Cath with 4 men party- lvl 38 druid and 34, 35, 38 pallies. Concerns. 51-55: BRD Prison This is a bit harder as a solo mage, if you have one mage and/or priest in the group it's much easier to do. This is worth 25-30 gph. Watch the freezing action and leveling speed! SUPPORT THIS MAGE DOWN BELOW🗡️Donate / https://streamlabs. The more authentic 1. com/watch?v=-X2P_W Unlock the secrets of the SM Cathedral Boss 1 pull! Learn the art of Mage boosting and power leveling in WoW Classic with expert tips and strategies. during both fights we had 2 or 3 respawns on us too (popped during fight). Its not that easy to do but pulling/killing 100 mobs at the same time (as a group) is my best memory of classic. com/@Zabibas1/videos#wow #worldofwarcraft Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. Best mage farm atm, up to 100g per hour. com/watch?v=NahCXGPcjGo&t= World of Warcraft classic fresh anniversary server, level 40 grp. tv/chadgharhttps://www. I will level up a Mage and if I remember correctly the mobs in the entrance are normal gosht mobs (but I'm not sure at all!) So if I'm right do you think I could solo farm it level 38~? I think there are rare elite mobs and chests that are good to farm too. Gear is important to a degree but so is technique and spec. You might have to fight 4 when you do the side rooms, just pull out your shield and wear them down (keeping howl & thunderclap on them at all times helps). whats the most profitable? i've done a couple of stockades which is quite ez but i dont want to take peoples gold and do a shitpull or die because im undergeared. gg/xuksJsHPgB I tried dungeon solo aoe grinding on my mage at lower levels. I intentionally left out some haunting phantasms because they're annoying, but y SM Cath Solo Mage Boost70+ mobs, 15k exp a run, 300G an hour?! I charge 4 boosties 15+g a runStay tuned for way more optimizations & P2 boosts!Twitch: https PRE-BiS would work, but you're not doing the one pull strat with it. Brin Join me as I show you a new quick one-pull method of Scarlet Monastery Cathedral (CATH) in World of Warcraft Classic. a T5 mage should likely be able to solo farm Slave Pens). r SM Cath without using any sketchy ledges since waterfall ledge doesn't work anyone more. I did it with my mage friend (me priest). A party of about lvl 38 is good enough, and this wing serves as a prerequisite to Cathedral, the final stage. take note that if you wanna get some blues from SM cath by getting a run again, you should NEVER get any deeper into I solo SM cath, skipping everything in the open area and just clearing inside. on the second try we managed to win, but druid died. First clear out the cathedral as usual, pulling 3 at a time (always check for the couple of mobs that patrol first though!). With th About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I know, I rolled a mage last night, made it to silverpine, level 13 and the entire area is covered in mages. From 37 to 44 I was in SM cath only so zero world pvp. A guide on how to solo/duo Scarlet Monestary Cathedral. Was there a hot fix to SM Cath mob pathing and safe spots? I enjoy farming scarlet. com/chadghardiscord. Talents - http://bit. 5m runs. However, due to exploiting pathing, which I firmly hold as an EXPLOIT, players are able to solo level as mage in ZF, Could have been faster but oh well -- Watch live at https://www. frost mage soloing SM cath for a friend Quick video I made about what I learned from my mistakes made in SM. One pull after killing caster mobs and opening door. SM cath/arm XP is superior to Stocks immediately at 20, but it isn't the most cost effective at that level. ZG: https://www. 5m runs to like 9-9. XP Was anywhere between 50k-80k/hr depending on how lucky mob spawns were (myrmidons are scary). Why wait for prepatch for the mage extinction event? ~211 mobs per reset. tv/mareaea Hi people, in this video ill go over a way to do a Cathedral run with 90 + mobs killed, without using Ice block. There are too many casters to solo I found. Upcoming. It’s gonna be much harder for mages to boost inside SM Cath now, and probably other dungeons has been patched also I have like 300g on all my chars, i want to make some money before prepatch/tbc. You're signed out I think having examples of how to adjust when things go wrong could be beneficial, but it ultimately comes down to the mage experiencing the mistake themselves. Decent gold making at lvl 38Roughly 40k-60 exp/hour with well organized About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Running 98 frost res with pot (would recommend 105-110 - staff from Gnomer or any random item with + frost res)High frost res only really needed for IDs that I can solo clear every wing of SM @60 as a mage without risking dying at any point, takes about an hour to do all of them in a row. com/ch There can only be a 1 High leveled player in the group for the exp to be good and that needs to be the mage At level 39 in SM Cath there are a few struggles but they are talked about lower down in this post. If you made it to 60 on mage shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Located in the blighted forests of Practice Farms all of inside cath and outside. You basically abuse the fact that level 60 characters resist 99% of spells and combine it with the T2 arcane talent Magic Absorption to have the spellcasters NPCs Join me in this live stream for more Gold Farming in Classic WoW with the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral and Armory 1-Pull Method! This is great for either sol If you play your mage correctly (except fire) I don't think you'll have issues. Credit to Taiwon the goat for the inspiration. But when you find that 5 runs an hour group that stays together it feels so nice. Songs: Anduins Theme - World of WarcraftHowling Fjort Music - World of Warcraft#worldofwarcraft#classicwow#gaming #seasonofdiscovery Decided to lvl a mage in This is a full guide on how to properly mage boost SM Cathedral!Also, check me out on TWITCH!https://www. Ended up doing the usual world grinding spots and a little questing. Same runes as the build showcased here, master channeler is not necessary for most pulls I feel, but when you actually need it, it’s high value. y This is a full guide on how to properly mage boost SM Armory!Also, check me out on TWITCH!https://www. Note: this video is a splice of 2 different runs due to bad RN I went from ST questing to aoe dungeon farming. com/watch?v=Fu5if8fBL-ISolo SM: https://www. I got 60 on my mage a couple days ago and I’m wondering what the minimum gear requirement is for farming and boosting lowbies in SM? Is prebis (or close to it) good enough? Nice vid! I run cath and armory boosts too and will be taking a few tips from this. com/cha Also some people might tell you that you can solo the zombies at lvl 44 and there is videos of it. I would also suggest starting out with SM Cath. Class: Mage | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Ysondre (Vengeance ) - /5 1 ? ? ? 150 MB Correct Share Movie Summary This is World Of Warcraft Classic Era. SM Arms + Cath runs however are easily soloable. It is split into four different wings each with a range of levels, The Graveyard being the lowest and the Cathedral being the highest. I noticed this a few days ago. The Armory is harder than Library, but in some ways shorter. Issue is, my toon is only getting like 18k/hr according to titanpanel. This^ cath is great exp until you ding 42, if you're a mage you can do uldaman but being frost its a shitty dungeon cuz half the trash is unaffected by frost effects. gumroad. From upper 30s to 44 you can do SM cath in a group and it’s very fast. If you're pushing past 40, I usually go to Mara around 40-42 and stay until 50-52 and boost ZG to 60. e. I did a 20-minute run yesterday, got Rod of Ogre Magi, Tarnished Elven Ring, and Ogre Forged Hauberk in my chest. I really want to use him to solo run some lower level dungeons, and I am super unsure Recently hit 60 as a full frost farm mage. tv/lederen I’ve been soloing SM GY with a deep destro ruin build. I get her down to half (0 mana now) and she ressurects Mograine and then the two of them always kill me. Its boring, slow groups feel like time wasted, replacing people and finding new groups take time and feels like time wasted. com/classic/talent-calc/mage/--25300233132301201You have to be v I usually do 10-15 Deadmines, 15-20 Stocks, 20-40 SM. I've watched Arelaus' video and can get the pull down fine, but even with talents still seems like I get a lot of resists on nova coming out of block. I think it would be interesting to point out why you block where you block versus the stairs (stairs is safer, but mobs are Managed to solo full SM cath as a 39 hunter! Fun way to level on the new fresh realms and hunters are so lovely now in prepatch woho, been a while since I had this much fun in wow for sure Screenshot WOTLK is the start of being able to solo everything, and people thought cata was what doomed the game This guide discusses the leveling route that I think is the best for mage in Classic WoW. This video serves as proof of concept and reliability of a SM boosting circuit from Join me in this live stream for more Gold Farming in Classic WoW with the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral 1-Pull Method! This is great for either solo farming o I tried to solo SM Cathedral with my 60 mage. Any tips for solo arcane in open-world or delves? The boss is a mage which uses Arcane Explosion a lot. com/watch?v=-X2P_WNIKCEExcept me fucking Quick vid of how to do Scarlet Monastary Cathedral as 60 mage WoW Classic SM: Armory+Cath 80/120G/h 10min Runs 60 Mage XPBoosting/Goldfarming. patreon. steampowered. . CHECK NEW VID: https://www. Mages can have a field day at level 60 farming get some armor. By the time I had sold all three (about 30 more min to wait and Hi guys, Si I was wondering if I could AoE solo farm the begining of the Scarlet Monastery instance, the Cimetry part. Obviously I kill him (This uses > half of my mana pool) and then he dies, and the priest comes out and start smiting me. Checkout my game Castle Warriors on steam! https://store. You CAN still use eye of Kilrog, but to make it work you need a mage following the eye ready to arcane explosion on the mobs and take agro right before eye dies World of Warcraft classic fresh anniversary server, 4 mage (gigachads) 1 priest spellcleave SM cath boss pullWhere you can find me:Second YT - https://www. In Cath I have to 'juggle' the mobs around at the fountain for about 2. If you're a hunter you can solo DM North Tribute and sell the loot from the chest. Boosting players in Scarlet Monastery Cathedral (SM Cath) as a frost mage in WoW Classic. Probably not the most efficient to go to Stocks right at 15, but it's a lot more AFK. Just use the Cone of Cold rotation, might need some mana Want to level FAST? Try out the world's fastest leveling guide I created at RestedXP! Try 1-20 for free, and get 10% off by clicking the link! https://www. you'll get the message that you have to run into the instance to retrieve your corpse, but instead you could walk through the SM cath / armory doors and into the respective instances, then you'll rez and you'll find yourself in cath / armory without having to use the key / lockpicking. How do you do Delves as a mage? I’d be playing frost. Since changes have been made, the old m 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗽𝘀:0:08 Getting boosties and yourself in position1:35 Ideal 1 Pull7:39 How to Skull Jump8:48 How to pull Withered Mistress's𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁:With The Scarlet Monastery is a level 26-45 dungeon that can be located in the northeastern corner of Tirisfal Glades and is considered the stronghold for the Scarlet Crusade. ly/2vrOMxRGold Farming Playlist - http://bit. It's 2g more per run than the 140 pull. r 12g per run per boostee (12x5x4=240g). youtube. I'm gonna call doubt on mara and ZF, that shit is way too high lvl for a lvl40 mage. Your mage food is your best friend. If you're undergeared you're less likely to pull 5-6 mobs to nuke it down in one go anyways in ZM. My thoughts are to boost others on my 60 mage. Do I run frost and group everything up then just blizzard them d Hey friends, I just got my mage to 40. Mage: ZF, Lashers, mara Hunter: DMn, mara Warlock: DMe|mara (depends on thorium price) Druid: mara, 2man DMe or DMn Paladin: Lasher Priest: mara, Lashers Unlock the secrets of SM Cathedral with our comprehensive beginner's guide! Learn the art of Mage boosting and power leveling in WoW Classic with expert tips First time playing mage in years for SoD, but I am really struggling! Currently, I am investing my talent points into Arcane, and the runes I am using are as follows: Living Flame, Living Bomb, and Regeneration. ly/2UUWQ4VWow classic looting addon - autoloo Run through doing level 1 arcane explosions will probably drop most of those non elites then at a good spot los the casters to get everyone together and blow it up. Hello everyone and thank you for checking out this video! If you're enjoying these videos or have any questions, please let me know in the comments below, li Mage goes without saying are great at AoE farming solo using spells such as , Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Arcane Explosion, , Evocation and so many more. I recall having slow built-in to arcane barrage, but that’s been removed? Now I have to single-cast slow on each mob I pull, which wasts precious GCD time before i can actually kite/burst. If you have armor talent on mage, 3 bonus armor sets, armor enchant, you will take In this guide I'll be powerleveling alts through dungeons all the way to 60 with my mage. Secondly, regarding these mage pulls you’re referencing, mages on my server also sell some combination of cath + arms for around your price but I find many runners still choose me. Aoe grind hillsbrad/AH, buy boosts from cath/arms then mara, go ZF solo GY at ~45-54, BRD cell farm 54-57, and DMN/DME 57-60. If you are being paid gold to boost/rush people through dungeons, and especially if we levelers pay you first and are at that point obligated to stay; if you the booster die during the pull, you then owe us the levelers a gold for rightfully killing our XP per hour. tv/tremortnt Join me in this live stream for more Gold Farming in Classic WoW with the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral 1-Pull Method! This is great for either solo farming o Cath 1 pull . You can easily 2 man the quest mobs if you have a friend. Can you (or anyone) explain the advantage of facing the mobs before ice block in cath, then back If you're a hunter you can solo DM North Tribute and sell the loot from the chest. Theres a pull you can do in cath where you pull every single mob by aggroing the boss and iceblocking. Bored mage, looking for info on a decent solo farm. Use higher rank explain if you want and just drop everything as you run then drink. I was trying to pull the entire outside area of Cath like I saw in a video, but juggling shields, clean pulling, and keeping mobs behind me from attacking me was too hard. Starting at 44 I’ve been in ZF soloing zombies. Typical Mage AoE talents : https://www. Up next. Looking for suggestions, should I just try and get a mage geared enough to do solo SM Cath and raw gold farm? Or should I do elemental water/earth and only deal with maybe 30g a hour. Edit Transfering is not an option, please stop suggesting dumb reasons such as transfer off, get off dead server, its really pointless so i have started boosting my toons on my mage through SM, with 3 other people so its a full 5 group. For a full run for cath watch this by Lederen: https://www. Share Sort by: Best. Going for 1-60 in under 3 days played, and under 5 real life days :) Dear amateur developers Thanks for yet another dogshlt leak from the SoD to Classic. I would just pull huge packs and swipe, and frenzied regeneration. com/watch?v=1fQadubT7BoUpdated Zul'Farrak: https://www. How to make a SM cathedral all mobs + boss pull inside of Scarlet Monastery Cathedral as 60 mage solo! only other guys THAT did this some chineese guys# servers Blaumeux / pvp / horde / wispers for boost xp / DrunkkbobSM-Armory 1 pull : https://www. wowhead. New comments cannot be posted. Please don't mispread wrong informations. tv/helmannn 25-43: SM: GY/Armory/Cath But if you are a solo mage, having 3/4 Witch Doctors in a pull can fuck you up due to healing, unless you have the gear and spec to burst them down. Mage or GTFO basically. Cancel Play Now. This Mage build focuses on delivering high AOE DPS and performs particularly well when used in group content such as dungeons, AOE mob farming and any even boss hunting as this build does well in all PVE content currently available in Ashes of Creation, remaining one of the top choices for all groups that are looking to challenge the existing PVE Join me in this live stream for more Gold Farming in Classic WoW with the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral 1-Pull Method! This is great for either solo farming o After paying 6, 7, 8+ gold per run; it seems relevant to make a post at this point. 0:00 Intro0:25 Starting the pull in cath and gear recommendations0:46 Talents1: Didn't play Vanilla Classic past July 2021. Its boring as hell. I’ve almost got cath Down but I think my positioning was too far back on the fountain ledge I had mobs continuing off the back of the fountain. No 5/8 t2 or Good Gear!See how a mage with trash fresh 60 gear can still boost SM Cat Uhhh I think you'd still be too low to do it efficiently outside a group, I can only imagine you solo-pulling and one graveyard taking 2 hours to complete (if you even could). Magister/devout/Dreadmist 2 sets gives 200 armor for a total of 600 armor if you have all 3, armor is very effective against low level mobs. Open comment sort options There's only 2 bosses in Cath and you would want to clear first Finally figured out how to do SM GY solo. Does anyone know if this is true? I’ve tried it on multiple characters and accounts and it’s all the same. wew#somechanges #fmagesamirite?https://www. and if you're a mage, you can actually just solo the GY farm for insane XP. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked I'm an indie game developer. The great part is that because you do not use Ice Block Went from 8. Thx! Meta Warlock Tank Solo SM Cathedral Guide A couple days I ago I posted my Solo GY Build, unfortunately I didn't record a video doing it, so here's a video of me soloing SM Cathedral to get from level 36-40. com/toxicyoo/tipmore content / https://www. (the mind controlled Mage used Scorch on True story happened today. tv/tremortnt SM CATH + ARM Mage Boost 12 MINUTES Post AOE CAP PTR - Detailed How To. 5k exp a run, idk what to even charge for this, not worth my time. com/watch?v=bUpSrjdN2MwZF: https://www. There are no patch Managed to solo Cath with a 57 warrior, with extreme care. They will pay 4g a pop just to leech exp while I lvl my alt. Live. Seems less forgiving when pulling. Will try copying you, thanks again mate don’t listen to all these haters Mage SM Cathedral in one pull - another "terrain exploit" Video / Media Locked post. com/@Zabibas1/videos#wow #worldofwarcraft Ask me any questions at https://www. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. I'll be showing tips and tricks to maximize efficiency so that you can level up you or your When you're in the ZF bracket, and if you're a mage, you can actually just solo the GY farm for insane XP. com/@Zabibas1Twitch / https://twitch. There is no doubt about it. Helman shows how to make gold in Scarlet Monastery -- Watch live at https://www. Reply reply Phase 1 set for SM Cath farming. 1 can be solved with poly but its usually 2-3 and really not the cleanest run, but 6 rows of buffs and deviate not needed Personally on stalag people whisper me non stop for sm cath runs. An estimated total gold required for the enchants and these two items lies somewhere Uploaded because undead females suck and this is a way without doing the tree jumpMage boost in SM Cathedral WoW Classic Fresh- Make sure you have cold snap New mage solo farm for anyone looking for a challenge, new gold farming strategy, or a new instance boosting strategy!! RFC 8 - 16 SFK 16 - 21 SM Cath + Armory 21 - 40 Mara 40-48/50 BRD 48/50 - 55 Strat 55-60 I'm going to be doing this live on my stream from March 4 - March 8. But I did some runs with a group yesterday in SM cath where we used the warlock’s voidwalker instead of the eye and it worked ok, just not as smoothly and the packs weren’t as big. You can actually do ZF at 43 but only if its a spellcleave group, otherwise you wont be able to do shit on any of the bosses. Introducing the improved version of my previous Mage strategy for Maraudon! In this video, I demonstrate how to efficiently pull and clear 250+ mobs in a sin Hello everyone and thank you for checking out this wow classic video! If you're enjoying these videos or have any questions, please let me know in the commen this video record in tbc Soo after mage nerf you can do sm again#sm #farming #dungeon #wow #wowclassic #wowtbc #mage #scarletmonastry Hey friends, I just got my mage to 40. With very good gear it will be a cake walk, I was struggling a bit with a fresh 60 mage but with every piece of gear I get, it If you have armor talent on mage, 3 bonus armor sets, armor enchant, you will take at least 30-40% less damage from the mobs. Look up the scarlet monetary GY mage solo on YouTube, look for recent videos. 12 experience is the official era classic one. World of Warcraft classic fresh anniversary server, level 40 grp. we wiped once during this boss fight. If you can’t due the job correctly we I’ve never played my mage as a main before, but I’m levelling one now to try end game. Aoe farming SM Cathedral Fastest run was 20min per dungeon. twitch. Do not let these lucky run videos fool you because you need a lot of experience to deal with monsters that resist your cone of cold and novas at that level while solo in ZF, also the video has been linked in comments but look at the start of the Chapitres :00:00 - GY7:57 - LIB11:56 - ARM18:17 - CATHPPC after that, release your spirit and head back to SM. I thought it was supposed to be more like 100k? Does it get faster at higher levels? because my toons have been doing it since 20-24ish and it takes roughly 4 cath+arm runs to get a level which just A video showing how to pull the entire Scarlet Monastery Cathedral in ONE pull, INCLUDING the boss! A fun way to make the boosting more challenging and rewar Returning mage - Really likeing Frostfire Frost, and fire even, but I’m struggling with either of the arcanes. Open comment sort options. Armor is strong only for characters that has alot of HP, and mages has the most HP out of all classes because they have 2 Infinite kite still exists. You can probably solo most Mage Guide Boost SM Cath/Arms boss pull 180g/h 100-140k exp/h Media Share Sort by: Best. A shoutout to the homies Netherwind and Tay won from the Mage Discord for providing some of this information. It Aoe leveling guide alliance/hordestream https://www. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. Not to mentioned when they resist my frost nova. If you do not care about playing mage this is the best way to level fast, but me as a first time mage player ZF is where you learn mechanics and become a better player. Just use the Cone of Cold rotation, might need some mana pots at the Neat way to do big pulls in SM GY to solo level from 32-39. Can probably start as early as 32. com/ch SM Cath 4 mage 1 priest run. The only investment for this set would be the Freezing Band, which does maintain its utility throughout all phases and thus also makes a reasonable long-term investment. It was pretty easy (but rather slow) until I reached Mograine. Talents - 0/0/31 Server - Living Flame EU 3 mages 1 tank 1 healer. com/cha #classicwow #seasonofdiscovery #shaman #aoefarm #goldfarm You can even check some old videos of Faxmonkey who was a famous troll mage in vanilla kiting various mobs and bosses solo and abusing pathing to kill them. Granted, we will likely always have end game well geared mages able to solo earlier content (i. The mobs jump the fountain retaining wall and do not evade at the two safe spots. Was getting about 60-80k xp/hr in good group Subscribe and ask if you have any questions or problems, thanks for your support. This is mainly due to the Wardens Net The Scarlet Monastery is one of four strongholds of the fanatical Scarlet Crusade in the world, the others being the Scarlet Bastion in the ruins of Stratholme, and the towns of Hearthglen and Tyr's Hand. Join me in this live stream for more Gold Farming in Classic WoW with the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral 1-Pull Method! This is great for either solo farming o The pulls are somewhat similar to the way mages do with the exception that I don't have blink/frost nova to create distance but that I can dispel frost bolts when I get hit. tv/zabibas WoW Classic Anniversary - Mage Solo Cath I'm an indie game developer. Having trouble farming like the videos. Horde Mage Solo AoE Leveling Guide 1-60: AoE Locations, Quests, Talents, & Stat Priority – WoW Classic SM spam 28-42/43; Lvl Check out my Season of Discovery Gold Guide here: https://boophie. I also had some other items that were reflect base like Nagelring. I ran SM with 4 mages 1 priest and it was the most fun thing of all time. jkvtez beek htgzf brchsuh qlwb alli afbkc aflnzs dfz wxuh rqkmekh ngvgli ndgdu petg vumy