Hist 298 mcgill reddit. Ladson for HIST 0700 World History.

Hist 298 mcgill reddit Teaching Assistants Ruoxuan Wen ruoxuan@mail. She was a decent professor with detailed lectures. Guide to Living and Renting in Montreal Tell her to don’t worry too much, last week the professor had Covid so he posted a lecture on mycourses, and to be fair, we’re not really tested on the content, so it’s fine if she misses a couple as long as she understands what he wants us to understand from the sources. MWF 11:35 AM - 12:25 PM Rutherford Physics Building 112. What is history? Where is history done? How is history done? Why do history? Historical writing is emphasized. I’m starting to outline my paper but I don’t really know how to organize it. CKUT (radio) TVM (video) The McGill Tribune (print) The McGill Daily (print) The Bull & Bear (print - MUS) Le Délit (print - en français!) McGill Media Relations Office (official McGill press releases) McGill Business Review. I’ve registered for both HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History and HIST 218 Modern East Asian… I keep trying to go to HIST 208, but the hall has been empty for multiple days, even though it was always full (prof included) at the beginning. r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. While, staying in Quebec protects McGill's history. Asian History seemed more difficult. History and Sexuality 1 is also interesting, but its taught by Nancy Partner. gg/HDHvv58 r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. She is very knowledgeable and a very accessible professor if you need to discuss personal situations or have questions about the content. Griet Vankeerberghen griet@mcgill. Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. The worst for me was HIST 210 Quebec since Confederation. History : An introduction to the history of China and Japan from the seventeenth century to the present, including modernization, nationalism, and the interaction of the two countries. Hi guys, Do you think it's a good idea to take Hist 211 with Michael LaMonica if you want to boost your gpa? I am looking for an easy A- ( or at least B+) history class. McGill University. Very nice. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … HIST 397 (Canadian Ethnicity and Migration) F18: John Zucchi. gg/HDHvv58 I took HIST 221 with Shannon Fitzpatrick many years ago, but would really love to remember what was on our reading list for this course (Oppenheimer has renewed my interest in American History during this time period). Heaman? She has terrible ratings on ratemyprof, they are so terrible to the point that I… PHIL 411 (Topics in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics). ). Recommended for history majors. gg/HDHvv58 In particular, I would really appreciate it if anyone could give me their specific thoughts on Krapfl (HIST), Luthi (HIST), Moore (HIST), or Kilgour (ENGL). HIST 315 is usually a theme course, I believe. Guide to Living and Renting in Montreal This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. This semester, it's taught by Profs. I’ve registered for both HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History and HIST 218 Modern East Asian… Below is a list of all undergraduate history (HIST) courses currently offered by the Department of History and Classical Studies. Pour tout ce qui est relié à Montréal, ou publié par des montréalais ou des gens qui ont déjà pensé à la ville de Montréal. I only have experience with History and Political Science courses, but it should be relevant for you. Intellectual curiosity and social responsibility are mocked, society is consumed by cheap entertainment and commercialism, and the government makes its decisions in the best interests of big corporations. You definitely have to be interested in the topic, but the combination of how interesting it is + how great the prof is and was, and how engaged all of History : An introduction to the history of China and Japan from the seventeenth century to the present, including modernization, nationalism, and the interaction of the two countries. So it's my first year at McGill. gg/HDHvv58 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. gg/HDHvv58 McGill's ability to attract more students and researchers will also be impacted and the standings of the school will drop, which could also send it into a death spiral. Often if students are struggling to hit word count, it's a good idea to revisit the outline (are you really going into enough detail to make your argument?) or the transitions (are you sign-posting clearly? How are you introducing topics?). It also covers a lot of Indigenous history, you know, the long history of Canada in a broader time scale. Since I only need two more courses to graduate, I was wondering if any History majors/minors/honours people would have some recommendations for courses with not too many readings/written work and an interesting topic (300 level or above). I'm old so this was maybe 12 years ago but I bombed a 25% math midterm hard (I think I got a 50%, I didn't study at all, found the class so boring that I barely paid attention) and then ended up getting an A on the 50% final and an A in the class. Fitzpatrick). This is a subreddit to discuss the housing crisis in Canada without banning posts for discussing supply *and* demand. In the search options, select "Peer Reviewed" and enter "Historical Period" (e. Health and healing as gradually evolving aspects of society and culture. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. If you can, take the conferences with her rather than with a TA (and I speak as a former TA); profs tend to be both more engaging with the material and she's particularly personable so conversations are pretty easygoing. HIST 226 is the easiest history class I've ever taken. Kleinman, who I primarily knew from classics), but CLAS 201 and 203 are incredible as well. Please consult the Minerva Class Schedule for the most up-to-date list of course offerings for the current academic year. Just attend class, take side notes with what’s on the slides corresponding to your textbook, and side notes on the cases he discusses. It’s also really boring. ca . Guide to Living and Renting in Montreal I took it this Winter. Instructors: Porter, David (Fall) This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Also, I’m not sure how much the textbook helps in this course, I stuck mainly to the assigned online readings and lectures and managed to pull an A. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Hey everyone. Enter your keywords . My personal favorite I took was Hist 368 (History of the Classical period, but it was taught by Prof. Vankeerberghen, but if you're into Chinese history Prof. But doesn't mean you can't engage more with profs in office hours and dig into niche topics I am a Chemical Engineering student with no background in coding. Instructors: Anastassiadis, Tassos (Winter) Restrictions: Open to U0 or U1 students only, except by permission of instructor I had Dr. Xinyu Zhang xinyu@mail Posted by u/snowflake25911 - 113 votes and 3,697 comments PHYS 514: general relativity with Prof. Letting people in solely based on marks makes the process difficult when nowadays, many applicants possess a high average. ATOC 181/184/185, RELG 270/288/300, HIST 209, and basically any course taught by Andrea Farran or Gerbern Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Terms: Winter 2025 . Editedit: Moore is offering Hist 393(Civil War and Reconstruction) in the fall and Hist 377 (US 1940-1965) in the winter. 1865 with Prof. It is about the deep history of Canada. Instructors: Kroupa, Sebestian; Schlich, Thomas (Fall) This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Posted by u/annagrace123456 - 16 votes and 40 comments Classes question reli 114 (early christian worship) with mendez, phil 143 (AI) with schultz, and hist 140 (world after 1945) with tasar upvotes · comments r/montreal Like r/CanadaHousing but without the censorship. If you get Francis Cooks he’s a funny guy, at the very least when he speaks he knows how to control his intonation which won’t bore you. You probably won't be blown away by the teaching or class subject in McGill. Experience: Teaching experience in related coursework preferred. " Secondly, one of the great things about art history is how interdisciplinary it can be - you might be surprised how a bit of art historical knowledge can inform your approach to other fields of study, and vice versa. Marks, The Origins of the Modern World. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … Asking because I am taking a five-course load next semester including U1 science classes such as BIOL-202, BIOC-212, CHEM-222, and MIMM-214 along with volunteering in a lab. Debating whether i should take the r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. use ratemyprof to get a sense of what the prof is like- i recommend classes with brahm kleinman and andrea farran. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … How do you guys think of today’s HIST208 final (Prof. Instructors: Luthi, Lorenz (Winter) Winter Hey guys - as title says, I'm wondering if anyone knows when/if the prof is going to post Quiz 3, instructions for the Paper 1 Reflection assignment (and submission tab), etc. Loved the prof(he is super sweet during office hour so definitely go talk to him about presentation and paper) but hated the exams. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Office hour: Friday 2–3 pm and by appointment. Jeremy Tai's your guy - I took HIST 209 (Modern East Asian History) and HIST 338 (Twentieth Century China) with him and he's great. Instructor Prof. The prof was great and explained really well but I just found the subject very boring. gg/HDHvv58 Jan 27, 2025 · History as a discipline uses the Chicago Manual of Style (18th edition) for citations, and usually the Notes-Bibliography form. Posted by u/ExamSeasonIsBrutal - 1 vote and no comments HIST 261 History of South Asia with Megha Sharma Sehdev was great because of her particular approach to the concept of history itself. I haven't taken HIST 208 or anything else with Prof. Wentian Fu) ?? I think it’s much more difficult than the midtermWhat do you guys think? r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. I am currently deciding whether or not I should take COMP 208 next semester since I… I was thinking of ANTH 227 (Medical Anthropology) or HIST 238 (History of Science) - because the sound related to the group name. I'm just wondering what history classes are like in general: the workload, how heavy are the readings (are they mandatory), are they suitable for somebody who doesn't have a background in social sciences - just trying to get a general feel if it makes sense to use my only non-law credits on a history class (given that I'm genuinely interested in history) r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Unlike other history classes I’ve taken, there wasn’t much in terms of grading other than a midterm, final and recitation. g. I'm a history major U2, and it think it is true that grading is pretty stiff at McGill. McGill is pretty traditional in terms of classes and even teaching styles are pretty traditional. gg/HDHvv58 It's without a doubt the easiest course I've taken at McGill. I… This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. McGill Life Hacks Thread! Campus Media. HIST 298 Topics in History (3 credits) Posted by u/Safe_Ad4587 - 4 votes and no comments Below is a list of all undergraduate history (HIST) courses currently offered by the Department of History and Classical Studies. Similar to all majors, I believe as the subject gets specific, the quality increases. Abisaab (both of them!) and it revolves around Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, plus the different interpretations of Islamic scriptures (Usulism, Wahhabism, Salafism) and the entry of Islam into the public sphere. Not necessarily bird courses (already took MUAR 211) but anything with interesting content and a good prof that won't be a ton of work. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … Posted by u/soupppgod - 5 votes and 2 comments r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Maloney. James Krapfl - HIST 351 Themes in US History s. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … hey guys! i'm a U2 student that is doing honours Political Science and i have to take 6 credits in at the 300 or 400 level in related disciplines (like hist), but the problem is that most courses at this level (that are interesting) have prerequisite to take and i have "no course left" (already took/selected the elective i want). She goes above and beyond in all aspects of teaching—her teaching makes difficult subjects comprehensible and interesting, she truly engages students in discussion, and provides generous help with all coursework. r/mcgill A chip A close button Télécharger l'app Télécharger l’application Reddit Se connecter Se connecter à Reddit 11 votes, 14 comments. 1500 words is actually quit This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Hey, I'm looking into taking some electives in History, Poli, Philosophy or Sociology as I have already a lot of classes in Math and CS, so I was wondering if anyone had good suggestions for electives they took and really liked, but that also gave them a break from the science world! Hello, I'm trying to find used textbooks for the following classes: POLI 210 and HIST 213! For POLI 210, I need "Explorations: Conducting Empirical Research in Canadian Political Science" (4th edition), and for HIST 213, I need "Robert J. gg/HDHvv58 I'm entering U1 this year through academic advanced credits from high school abroad. June 4. and the content was super interesting to me and relevant. The whole course goes over the history of math, focusing on the development of non-Euclidian geometry starting from Euclid's elements themselves. Lewis is offering Hist 386 (Twentieth Century Britain) in the fall and Hist 347 (history and sexuality 2) in the winter. gg/HDHvv58 What are some HIST/EAST electives you recommend? How are HIST 216,326 and 307 and EAST 211,212? Not looking for something too heavy and taking too… This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Peter Hoffmann - HIST 375 Rome: Republic to Empire with Prof. Program students should consult the list of Courses by Area when planning Hello, I’m taking HIST 215 this semester, and have been trying my best to keep up with the material, but I do find the readings to sometimes be… Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/mcgill A chip A close button - HIST 306 East Central Europe 1944-2004 with Prof. This class builds the theory of general relativity from the basic mathematics (differential geometry, so metrics, manifolds, etc. Ughh I’m so frustrated… literally 1 course away from graduation, that too a non-faculty one. gg/HDHvv58 I only have the room to take a few history courses during my time at McGill :(, and I was just wondering if anyone had a few suggestions of courses/profs they really liked (& also courses that are somewhat non-history major friendly) I like European history & Ancient civilizations, but I'm 100% open to suggestions Queen’s has an excellent history department with excellent Jewish History & Holocaust related courses - however a BA in History between those two Universities will look exactly the same to an employer, so it would be worth looking up students from each Department Student Council and trying to get your hands on old syllabi or similar to see if the focus of each program is up your alley. Sandwell, it was a light course load, Sandwell is a great prof, and you can do well in the class. I don't care if they will be… First off, I think minoring in art history sounds like a great idea, especially if, as you say, it would "make school more bearable. I think I will double major hist+polsci but I guess I'll end up taking 2 300 level classes my first semester and 2 200 classes my second In general, word count is +/- 10% of the assigned amount. gg/HDHvv58 Took HIST 387 First World World with Hoffmann last semester so I'm assuming his style won't change much for HIST 388. gg/HDHvv58 If anyone is looking for a solid Group B class I took HIST 200 Intro to African History with Prof. probably biased as a history major, but intro level history classes are pretty good! you definitely have to do some work, but as long as you put in a decent amount of effort you should do alright. Then next year, I did 347:Hist of Sexuality with the same prof and it was awesome. Terms: Fall 2024 . So you should aim for at least 1350 to be within the assignment brief. mcgill Office hour: Tuesday 10:00-11:00 AM at Leacock 111A. I am looking to take two classes next year, one for each semester, that are fully online. Go to mcgill r/mcgill • by [deleted] View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. the black hole solutions [Kerr and Schwarzschild], big bang solutions [FRW], etc. 59K subscribers in the mcgill community. Would be super grateful if someone could share an old syllabus with me! Its a world where stupid people reproduce more often than the intelligent ones, leading to "a dumbing down" of the population. The respect thing is very true. gg/HDHvv58 This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Although if you want an easy class, this is not it. This requires creating properly formatted footnotes footnotes and a Bibliography for your assignments. I loved Desbarats! I had her for 202 (pre-1867) and she was a great lecturer. Life At McGill. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Please note that each course is not necessarily taught every year. It has been a while since I've written any essays (and I'm not very good at them), but I'm really interested in learning the history of my "homecountry". inspired by this 6 year old post, and this 3 year old post, I decided to compile my experience with cs courses at McGill, as I have taken more cs courses than anybody I know and thought it might be helpful to people in choosing their schedule. History : An introduction to the history of East Asian civilization from earliest times to 1600, with emphasis on China and Japan, including social, intellectual, and economic developments as well as political history. ) all the way up to einsteins field equations and its various solutions (e. I think they should add a personal profile asap, as it gives the admissions team more substance in terms of deciding who the best applicants are History : Introduction to the discipline of history. The rise of "western" medicine. geog221 is one of the best classes i've taken at mcgill. Our homework was just weekly readings to discuss for recitation. Complete all of the assignments and put in a decent amount of effort into the midterms and you will be good to go. Brahm Kleinman Hello! I’m about to start at Arts U0 this fall. really great mesh McGill’s admission process is quite archaic in my opinion. I'm also a HIST minor so pretty much just looking for interesting classes that aren't too much work. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to… Posted by u/MFMSancho - 3 votes and 2 comments Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. . How hard is the jump from 300 level to 400 level courses in poli sci and history? Do people usually take the minimum number of 400 level courses required for their major (1 in Poli, 2 for hist), or do they take more than required? Does it matter and how does it affect grad school/law school/future employment? Thanks Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 1 comment 203 is being taught by Suzanne Morton. profs are both great and they explain things super clearly, you just have to pay attention in class and take notes and review them the night before to get an A on the tests. An introduction to a topic or theme in History. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. Ladson for HIST 0700 World History. gg/HDHvv58 McGill Life Hacks Thread! Campus Media. Program students should consult the list of Courses by Area when planning Plus the weekly written assignments/readings weren’t too hard. Hi everyone, I need some quick help finding the easiest and most enjoyable 300+ level HIST courses offered this year. HIST 298 – Topics in History. For anything related to Montréal, or posted by users from Montréal, or users having once thought of Montréal. Any info about those classes would also be appreciated. HIST 249 GRADING . , Start Year: 1850 To End Year: 1917). I'm currently coming to the end of my History minor and I have difficulty finding enjoyable and not-extremely-hard courses in the program. Jan 27, 2025 · This contains references to journal articles, book reviews and some dissertations about the history of all parts of the world from 1450 on, EXCLUDING Canada and the United States. Hello! I’ve decided to take ENGL 225 this semester as an elective, but heard it’s hard. history@mcgill. history and philosophy of math - very easy and super interesting biomedical ethics - sort of challenging philo class, but very interesting Reply reply Ouvrir le menu Ouvrir l’onglet de navigation Retour à l’accueil de Reddit. This course about a niche aspect of Canadian history is really enlivened by the fact that you get to explore the stories of all the different ethnic groups that have moved to and around the country: Chinese, Italian, Indian, Jewish, Greek, Caribbean, Japanese, Ukrainian, Irish, etc. Thank you!! r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Hello! I’m about to start at Arts U0 this fall. gg/HDHvv58 Posted by u/herzoslovakia - 3 votes and 6 comments Oegema is my supervisor (I'm a grad student). If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … McGill Life Hacks Thread! Campus Media. I still need to do two more courses to graduate with my minor in History and I am having trouble with the amount of reading, writing, and memorization necessary to get an A in the previous courses I took (HIST 205, HIST 368, HIST 388). gg/HDHvv58 Posted by u/mcgillpolisci7 - 1 vote and no comments This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2022. theres barely any outside work except maybe 2 or 3 assignments which are fairly simple. Teaching Qualification Requirements: Education: PhD or ABD in history. I have to say that HIST 218: Modern E. I recommend Mana 298. Anyone taken this course before or had a course with Prof. I had a horrible time in 215: Modern European history becayse even though the prof was very good, the material was too broad to be inspired or to learn significant details. Leonard Moore - HIST 388 The Second World War with Prof. Hi all! I'm in my first year at McGill (U1) in the faculty of science and I've never taken a Canadian history class in my life. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … I was just wondering what was McGill’s official policy regarding essay grading and the amount of time we are expected to wait before getting our grades back! I’m currently in HIST371 (great class btw) and… it’s taking pretty much a full month for each essay grade! jobsearch. Oegema is an absolutely lovely guy who cares very deeply about teaching and getting people passionate about the topic that he loves but it does hurt him when people don't show the minimum amount of respect. No idea what HIST 218 is like, but I’m sure it’d be more interesting lol. Iwa Nawrocki! I couldn’t recommend her more; easily the best professor at McGill, hands down. Guide to Living and Renting in Montreal ECON 208 isn’t that hard but requires quite a bit of time with the textbook and study guide. th – July 5th, 2024: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 11:05-13:25 . Hey, I'm looking into taking some electives in History, Poli, Philosophy or Sociology as I have already a lot of classes in Math and CS, so I was wondering if anyone had good suggestions for electives they took and really liked, but that also gave them a break from the science world! Similar to all majors, I believe as the subject gets specific, the quality increases. HIST 200 with Sandwell is very nice. What I loved about HIST 226 is that it was easy but also enriching and informative. From my perspective, although it is not impossible to get A's in Humanities, it is very very hard to get them on a constant basis. Also, for those of you who are ENGL majors, who do you recommend taking Poetics (311) with? There's Trehearne, Nicholson, and I think one more. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Sep 5, 2024 · History : The natural history of health and disease and the development of the healing arts, from antiquity to the beginning of modern times. Has anyone taken the course or knows someone who’s taken the course and can give me some insight? My other options are HIST 205 (Mediterranean History) and HIST 208 (East Asian History). I also took HIST 221 Winter 2020 (Group A) and that was a great class (gotta miss Prof. McGill overall history is better protected by keeping its rankings and the school's diversity alive. I had Dr. Fr; eCalendar. It emphasizes the cross-disciplinary nature of history, for example, we will learn a lot of geog, anthropology, or archeology knowledge. Anyone has some suggestion? I’m struggling to write it and… Hey, I recently registered for HIST 390, 18th Century France, and under the course description, it says that a reading knowledge of French is highly recommended. jlivpj tir ssijang nzl tfkx rpbctrg dqkvb ohf nwupa ncha pvnkhs kiimu zqvjbd pfsu kula