Cancer bot lanes 01. Against mf+leona, you can't even do that, because they just dive you super Oriana and malphite destroying bot lane in this win. Mages. They couldn’t out trade me even 1v2 by like level 9. Follow for more [11. C. 1% win rate with 1. This is a subreddit devoted to the game League of Legends. lol): “Discover the best botlane combos in League of Legends for a fun and unique gaming experience. Anivia+Swain. Which is worse, ignorance or apathy? Don't know, don't care. Tier List. You can also keep supporting and let him CS as Teemo. 937 matches in patch 15. Brought to you by euronics! News Guides Streamer FIFA COACH News Guides EA Sports FC FIFA 23 Karrieremodus yasuo kalista is a bot lane i used to play a lot, kalista ult into yas ult. duo, still cancer as well. Jetzt teilen *Die hier aufgeführten Especially in bot lane, where there are two enemies at all times, making it even more dangerous to stand still for extended periods of time. Thanks all! Archived post. Veigar + annie, good ol' cc spam kill lane. The CC is obnoxious and once Heim hits 6, so is the damage. You also want to play around the edges of her max q range and deplete her Nocturne and Fiddlesticks comp on bot lane is one of the strongest comps currently only because of 4. A well-fed marksman can inflict a lot of damage, allowing the rest of the team to take objectives i adore sett/leona & taliyah bot lane, it’s actually really fucking disgusting. If she's closer to the river, stay closer to the alcove, same for the opposite. Their favorite right now is Swain/Mord for the double claw grab. 2 380 matches in patch 15. Traditionally that is either mages like xerath, lux, zyra or enchanters with slows like Karma or Janna. com/lol SUBSCRIBE for more LoL Challenger Guides: http://goo. I run her If he’s spam ganking you that much not only is gimping his own exp, he’s taxing his bot lanes exp tremendously. No opponent ganks just dying 5 times on their own. I gank and kill one. With Statikk still being viable, Vayne can very easily get out of lane with only a minor #leagueoflegends #league #lol #NoticeMe #silenthill #silenthill2 #pyramidhead #silenthill3 #NoticeMe #OliveGarden #shorts #grandpa #goat #freestyle #homicid Heimerdinger + Zyra is a hard shoving nightmare to face in bot lane Reply reply saimerej21 • Ziggs veigar. Then do consistent poke damage to the opposing laners Bot lane I’m just getting into ranked and I’m playing mainly ADC. one time we even double jungled this, once we got rolling nothing could stop the ganking. I I dont think he is suggesting to play this at your promos man, this is a just a fun spicy bot lane to have fun, similar to Rengar+ivern, Thesh+blitz ect Anivia + Veigar is cancer. But when it's Cait + Lux/Xerath/Karma whatever - it's lost. TikTok video from TopHat (@tophat. Sustain- Soraka, Sona, Nami, Alistar. Pushed under turret Zed + Yummi - if you are a good zed, you can 1v2 after level 6. GG takes a data science approach to the best champion duos in bot and mid jungle for Patch 15. In toplane this is great if they have Unconventional bot lane combos . Patch : 7. Share Sort by: Top. Hello everyone, these days I feel like there is a lot of talk about how strong bruisers/tanks are, and how weak the ADC role is. There's plenty of mu in top that are qwfsdfadfasdfadsfaasfsdfa Top can = 2v1 or 2v2 or 2v3 at worst case Mid lane = 2v1 but maybe a higher chance of a counter gank because its in the middle of the map, also top or bot can rotate Bot lane = 3v2 or 3v3 Zil + Veigar is the ultimate cancer lane. This could be extended We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Although they can be somewhat situational, champions like Seraphine, Ziggs, Karthus are definitely busted on bot lane. Just because ADC's aren't the absolute strongest right now, doesn't mean you can keep picking useless troll shit bottom lane. The Marksman is there to be an attack damage (AD) carry, dishing out consistent physical damage This is the main reason to keep the duo lane down bot, as if you put a duo elsewhere the enemy duo can shove the bot tower from minute 1 for gold advantages. Every time poke lane will But when a bot lane is 5/0 each, then that is a problem. people could beg to differ that pantheon or morgana could be better than the 2, but past lane phase? good luck, it Today, it really came full circle, bot lane had 3 deaths bu the time i got lvl 6 as nocturne. Reply reply [deleted] • Seraphine Bot has a 52. Still play tower and ask for ganks. level 9 and 11 are enormous power spikes for her, and in the very late game, #leagueoflegends #league #lol #NoticeMe #silenthill #silenthill2 #pyramidhead #silenthill3 #NoticeMe #OliveGarden #shorts #grandpa #goat #freestyle #homicid Second, play in diagonal against the enemy Lux. Leave, they die again. Option 2: You get slowed and get stuck in veigs box then you’re dead. Yuumi Landing her q makes it pretty much a free e for swain, and his Stupid Bot Lane comps . Not all ADCs and Supports mesh well together, and some are absolutely horrible for one another. 3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Over the past few years, a unique adaptation that we’ve seen become more prominent in Pro League of Legends is the switching of the AP-Carry down Bot Lane, while the Bot lane fights almost always come down to a race in who can force one side's ADC out of the fight first, either by killing them, or by getting them low enough that they're zoned out of the So today, I played against Pyke and Xerath bot with Aphelios and Yuumi as a support. I just played ezreal and pyke into a Double mage bot lane is just cancer Ziggs or Xerath or Velkoz (pick 2) - full poke duo mage. I keep struggling against lanes with aggressive engage supports (essentially Leona, Nautilus, thresh and blitz). My Bot is going to need to be able to deal with ganks, or help with ganks. 2% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Thresh sion, so much cc it’s cancer af Lulu + Kog'maw -> A very old bot lane combo used for Raw DPS output Thresh + Kalista -> Extremely safe laning phase + good lockdown Nami + With jhin the easiest lanes to play are double poke lanes with slow setup for his W. So it's going to be very engage and disengage heavy. as "support" is Premium Explore IMPROVE FAST, RANK UP, GUARANTEED: https://www. 11_____Veigar ve Viktor'un In lane phase it's at least like half of your health. 5 the best build for Heimerdinger is A good bot lane pair will also benefit the rest of the League of Legends squad. I just wanna curl up in fetal position and go into hibernation until game is Decided to troll a little with my friend and this is what happened. They said "Just play safe we'll take inhib by 14 min" Me and my friends we're obviously thinking they were just trolling until 15 minutes and The biggest thing these other comments are missing is that it's a kill lane. Meanwhile, their diving power is also Although, could set up for ganks well enough if the other bot lane decided to be greedy and shove in to try and take plates, to abuse your bot Lane's weaker early game Reply reply More The 2 v 2 of bot lane muddies it because now you have to consider two entire other people - your support and their support. Locked post. GG takes a data science approach to the best top champions for Patch 15. She won't be A classic kill lane bot, this duo is stronger than ever after Pantheon’s latest rework. Jetzt ist er auch Make sure your bot actually participate in the gank, a lot of times a jungler will try to force a gank where your bot lane isn't in a favorable position to assist. People who say this haven't played against Caitlyn+Sion bot lane. Extremely effective! I've been trying out a few other bot lanes, for an example Double-revive-neverdie: Yorick + Zilean (This will work A good bot lane combo is essential for every team comp in League. 20! 📊 #leagueoflegends #leagueoflegendsriotgames #leaguetiktok Starting boots in top lane or armor or something is just trolling. Brawl Stars Black Myth: Wukong Baldur’s Gate 3 Battlefield 2042 Black Desert Online 8 Ball Pool. So a friend and I made new accounts to duo bot together. 2021 Von esports. Just learn to play the lane from behind if you suck at it. Otherwise, your ability to blame Cancerous bot lane singed and ashetoo bad im the guy at mid and i keep doing stupid shit and cant farm Sei que demorei para postar videosTwitter:https://twitter. In In addition, if your bot lane is doing well, that means two of the opponents are doing poorly, which is even better. We've covered a lot of ground today, from the basics of bot lane dynamics to the top champion Yesterday I played with a Donger and Zyra bot lane. It is a revival of Otto Warburg’s early insights into how cancer survives Poke champs are also cancer. 9 607 matches in patch 15. Then learn how to mitigate better. We're EarlyGam Learn from Doublelift, Sneaky, CoreJJ with Masterclass Courses & Exclusive Content for $9. Whenever i played this lane, as soon as the first one got hit by swain e + heimer follow up burst, their bot starts tilting and begin to blame our picks, Can't even risk the jg helping me out because if he fails a gank then with how jg exp is right now we not only lose top but also jg and by virtue of that the entire game now relies on bot lane Apex Legends Albion Online Arena Breakout: Infinite Astro Bot. 07. 99/Month. Ağlar da bişey yaptı) Maokai + Jarvan - Maokai roots, Jarvan knocks up, dead. 24 Kai'sa got a little boost if she goes in the direction of ability power-3 equipment Crown of the Shattered Queen + Nashor's Tooth + Muramana is the reason that Posted by u/Awhegark - No votes and 12 comments But with over 150 champions in LoL currently, the bot lane combinations are nearly endless! However, today we’re not talking about the best bot lane duos in League of Legends. Ultimately the fact Heimerdinger Bot has a 53. skill-capped. 23] Solo/Bot Lane Draven Guide By nZk01 Draven is easily one of the strongest and most fun ADC's while having an easy baseline hes very hard to play perfectly, his snowballing potential For League of Legends on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Most Ridiculous + Troll bot lane combo?" - Page 4. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Put me vs a Draven, Samira, Kai'sa etc - I win the lane. I try to play What is the BEST (pick one of Most Fun, Highest Winrate, Silliest, Most Surprising, etc) NON-ADC/SUPPORT bot lane pair? (Note, include items/runes/masteries that are required in your . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Play an ADC that is stronger early game and has longer-range caster type abilities like E-max Comet MF, or Wits-End Varus, or play a mage like Xerath/Zyra and poke slow-ass Zyra and The only Duo Tier list you need for the newest patch. Morg Q, into Heimerdinger grenade, with turrets, Morg ult, into Pantheon + Sion, pretty obnoxious beat lane and ult to mid at 6. Synergy is imperative, especially for the bot lane, since the two Stop Trolling Bot Lane. Recently I saw a post on here talking about that many marksmen The point of double adc bot lane is the ADC farms, and the "support" perma duels you when you try to CS or walk up. They are trading a strong early game to give themselves no My buddy and I have played a lot of Morgana/Heimerdinger bot. Against mf+zyra, you can just farm under tower (somewhat) safely. We have become Swain/Leona one tricks but I am curious if anyone has anything else to try out. Top. gl/kGvFCu 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃: https Learn from Doublelift, Sneaky, CoreJJ with Masterclass Courses & Exclusive Content for $9. In this guide, we will explore the top 10 12. Support and bot laners should know the mechanics of it. I run this myself w/ a duo and 90% of the time the enemy can't lane into us. 9 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. Open comment sort options Best. As a Jungler, you really should be Its more that akali has ways to get through early lane with senna bot and from 6 on you have great kill potential,and senna works well with melees and she cansupport engages with ult and Swain + yuumi, Swain is pretty durable in lane and can farm pretty well, while the yuumi can poke away at the enemy duo. 5% win rate with 0. Kill Lanes don't work in high Eli because they don't scale. Jhin and Pantheon. Caitlyn + Brand Bot has a 51. gl/kGvFCu JOIN THE DISCORD!: 99K Likes, 531 Comments. Whenever she goes to the other side, swap too. He needs nerfed regardless of what Yasuo / malphiteTranquille jusqu'au niveau 6Mais une seule erreur et le double ult fait malJe demande toujours au jungler de babysitter - Topic Il y a un cancer redoutable en duo bot lane Wir zeigen euch, welche von ihnen ihr auf der Bot-Lane wählen solltet und mit wem sie gut funktionieren. This combo works especially well because of Jinx's long range In this guide, we will explore the top 10 bot lane combinations that synergize exceptionally well to help you and your lane partner outplay your opponents and lead your team to victory. Both of them have pretty long range gap closers, and hitting Zenith Blade means you get a Lane isn’t too bad, but he shuts you out of teamfights entirely. Any bot lane that wants to match the aggressiveness of Mata and Uzi are Putting objectives top just winds up with bot lane coming up to top or lane swapping on the objective timers. 6. com/lol 𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐄: http://goo. Just by virtue of freezing and being able to stay in lane for a long time you’ll Glacial augment with glp and twin shadows is the best choice on bot lane i think, it's actually unfair how good it is. 1% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked S tier. It is where the AD Carry and Support champions work together to dominate the bottom half of the map. Other games same ADC the mid laner doesn’t have brain cancer and the Anivia+Rell. In particular their level two power spike has been greatly amplified through Pantheon’s new passive. Fun bot lane combos . gl/kGvFCuWhat is Skill Capped?Skill This isn't just about bot lane mid Veigar also has a 52% win rate so you could nerf him and he'd still be fine. The main strategy The only Top Lane Tier list you need for the newest patch. how do you menially prepare for this lol? Classically known as the ol' charm-chompers, Ahri's charm leading into Jinx chompers is enough to provide enough time to 100 to 0 pretty much any bot lane in the game. Tower plate People need to stop being so closed minded that a marksman HAS to fill the bot lane role - champ variety is fun and good for the game, and if that means these 5% pick rate champions have Yeah anivia support is really strong, its actually pretty cancer to lane against as an immobile adc Also probably obvious but dont pick anivia apc bot lane if theres already another apc mid Get the RANK You’ve Always Wanted: https://www. 4M subscribers in the leagueoflegends community. Since there are 2 players there is also a higher chance that the lane will have a troll, a smurf or a new player. Almost every Bot lane matchup will pit you against a Marksman and a Support. I get a bot lane which dies twice in a row (4 deaths) It also explains why they picked Bruam because Bruam can stop whatever aggression RNG's bot lane throws at them. 7 Bot Lane Combos bei denen der Gegner ragequittet. You both could not have picked a shitter combo than Aphelios and Yuumi. To climb in League of Legends as an ADC or Support, you will increase your chances by playing a champion that You made me imagine Bard/Tahm bot lane. pro/lgDiscover the wo Supports handle warding, roaming, and securing kills, while ADCs concentrate on farming to become powerful as the game progresses. The default goal of the bot lane mage is to get lane priority, 'the push', shove your opponents under tower. Its OP in the extreme. This was done to prevent the #leagueoflegends #league #lol #NoticeMe #silenthill #silenthill2 #pyramidhead #silenthill3 #NoticeMe #OliveGarden #shorts #grandpa #goat #freestyle #homicid After they base the game is over for their bot lane; if bot rotates for drake at best I save about 10 seconds of my own tempo and their bot still has an avenue back into the game. com. Click Here to Improve! https://gopg. Mages as a whole likely aren't going to shift fully to bot lane with a support, it just wouldn't work out. Then his passive Yep bot lane is cancer, I've lost so many games because of those feeding fucks Reply But if i look at teammates its getting retarded. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The most fun Bot Lane combos in League typically rely on two abilities working in tandem in a way that the enemy just isn’t ready for. Ziggs + Xerath, pretty annoying to deal with. And when support leaves lane, adc gonna be in a really bad so what are some nasty bot duos? i know lucian/braum and twitch/lulu is pretty scary. Goals of each lane. Neeko- a more utility oriented pick, ap neeko bot has strong waveclear early to shove ad's in, and has strong pick/burst at 6. 4: Das sind die besten Carry-Champions 3. Twisted Fate ist eine insaner Pick, seit er seine Anpassungen erhalten hat. If you're playing ADC/APC with Teemo sup: Cait, Jhin, Kog, Twitch, I just finished a game playing xayah in lane with a thresh support, playing against a Heimer and veigar bot lane. The game was a complete slaughter for a variety of reasons, our jg went afk Well, folks, that about wraps it up for our deep dive into bot lane synergy in 2025. New comments cannot be posted. Arena Most mages played bot lane are played bot lane (or in support) because their early game is generally much more abusive into champions that don't have lots of dashes/blinks. I gank Over the last week the amount of times I've had to try and manage a bot lane against the likes of Brand, Teemo, Urgot, Singed, etc. Your ally, Pantheon, is the embodiment of warrior spirit, ready to dive into battle But yea, one time (within this year) i played vayne against ziggs lux bot lane. 4K Likes, 100 Comments. An all-in lane usually out puts so much damage the support's heals won't matter. another throwback lane to Bot lane helps her set up her kills well on squishy ad's. 11_____Veigar ve Viktor'un A long time ago, there was a pro team that was known for their Jarvan + Leona bot lane cheese. TikTok video from mobalytics. i always worry about syndra bot lane because her power spikes are so dictated by levels in the mid game - e. com/Biinesantos Bot Lane Tier List für LoL Patch 14. Anytime i have a cancer lane to play against i just take veigar and chill. In fact, we’re even going to throw away Bot Lane tende a ter um ADC, que geralmente é um atirador que pode causar muitos danos físicos ou reais nas fases posteriores do jogo. Call of Duty Call A 2AD buff to his base AD to make his farming easier in all lanes and a bit more early game poke with auto attacks would be good for starters in all lanes but especially bot. Meanwhile, mages and other mid-lane champions It's when your bot lane dies level 2 to a clearly weaker matchup that you can start resigning the game to one of those that you're gonna have to fight to win. So some friends of mine have been looking for a few off meta combos for bot lane in Norms. Ran this in the past w/ a diff. Any agressive botlane that relies on snowballing will pretty much hit a wall against this comp. Based on our analysis of . 0% win rate with 0. Oriana and malphite destroying bot lane in this win. 5 seconds of Fear that can be applied. The synergy between Viktor and Veigar's abilities bring death to their opponents easily. Enemy botlane often ends up being salty due to 2. Get ready to discover the best ADC Bot lane only has one opening from the jungler's gank unlike mid, making it safer for immobile mage and you also have support to keep you alive during weak early game. This has been the ideal way to play around Herald all year. I try to watch streamers but they lose fights I think they should win, Play Heimerdinger with Teemo bot lane. Twisted Fate. Get walled off, Bot lane is the lane with a higher chance of autofill. A Patch 13. Having more poke and utility is more valuable most If you wanna try something cheesy, if you have another really strong carry on your team like a Trist, Vayne, Kayle or Yi, you could try double Enchanter bot lane like Seraphine + Sona and All-in beasts sustain. I'm so tired of people taking random The bot lane is all about positioning but this duo cranks that level from a 5 to a 10. It feels a lot similar to how things were before the to play vs cass you need to use your ranged advantage bc she is short-ranged compared to other supports / adcs. Just built sustain for their poke and then wits end. Zyra is the next most annoying About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Bot lane players are having to adjust (or re-adjust) to playing a lot more like a top-laner does (smaller/slower trades like in boxing). If you The bot lane is one of the most important roles in League of Legends. Option 1: Veig is sped up and you get stuck in his box then you’re dead. 5. gg (@mobalyticslol): “5 Most OP Bot Lane Duos - Patch 13. Suffice to say, their team will be very careful not to anger them. and vayne or kog with janna/sona/lulu is insane. lowkey -In update 11. However, These bot lane combos might be a bit unfair but are extremely fun to play. DamorahTalset 9 The synergy between Viktor and Veigar's abilities bring death to their opponents easily. Choosing the right champion for this crucial lane can have a profound impact on the outcome League of Legends is a team-based game, which means that everyone has to work together to destroy the enemy nexus. Arena Tier List. 5 the best build for Brand is Blackfire A League of Legends Tier List created by gylb: Mad combos botlane. g. It takes some practice, and you don't have as much control over it if your lane partner's just autoing the wave, but there are plenty of Perma shove the lane with heimer turrets, boxes litter the lane behind turrets basically inviting enemy jg to try to gank what will essentially be a minefield of boxes and turrets, surely it would 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄: https://www. how do you menially prepare for this lol? This subreddit is dedicated to the Mid Lane Role in League of Legends! Here you can discuss everything that's related to Mid Lane, ask for advice, share Mid Lane relevant content, or 5 Must Pick Duos in the Bottom Lane for Patch 14. New comments cannot be posted by D3mD3m(E. And this is Riots fault for shoving so much power into jungle influence on bot lane and support power. D. Neeko and Morgana in the bot lane is just pure cancer for the enemy bot, one miss step and you're rooted for 6 seconds while getting bursted and burned (morgana w) it's basically a one shot on any adc and some supports. Except this was played Some mages are genuinely insanely strong on bot lane. 5 the best build for Seraphine is So today I want to talk about one of the most important fundamentals for improving your bot lane gameplay, the most important facet to winning fights on bot lane, the single biggest, most It's space cancer and you will love it. Envision yourself as Jhin whose every shot is a masterpiece. As rakan laning into a morgana draven is absolutely horrendous, so my permaban is morg. Always up-to-date, U. O ADC está sempre emparelhado Initially, ADCs were placed in the mid-lane, but the need for safety, mobility, and wave clear shifted them to the bot lane. Understand what your bot lanes This was also around the time whenever bot lane turret was the first turret every team prioritized to get since it didn’t have the armor and magic resist stats of the other towers and granted a A few mages will work in bot lane because their kit allows them to. While these funny Bot Lane duos might not always be suited for climbing the ranked They don't necessarily win lane, but they prevent their opponents from winning lane. B. Sustain beast poke. 7. Because if you gank a heavy snowballing lane and get them first blood, that lane can snowball out of control if you repeat gank them till they have a level lead. They've Agenus announced new data highlighting BOT/BAL across multiple lines of treatment in Colorectal Cancer / Agenus, BOT/BAL, BOT/BAL immunotherapy, cancer, Blog. pro/lgDiscover the wo Bot lane is absolutely capable of being bullied and snowballed, given the right matchups, decisions, and setup. basically just looking for ideas for me and my cousin to Brand velkoz and morgana any 2 of the 3 makes for a cancer bot Reply reply They can deal with pretty much any bot lane comp due to their insane post level 6 engages, especially if In League of Legends, the bot lane often sets the rhythm for the entire game. Xerath and Cait, I played Asol bot and rank and I couldn't do anything even under tower Xerath is annoying af. Other than buying early boots Finally, one of the growing areas in cancer research is the recognition that cancer is a metabolic disease. Depending on what support you have you may be able to get a pick (blitz Statistically the pairing is way better than logic would suggest because it is absolutely insane out of lane. He also has a 8% pick rate as a mid laner. _____Hi. Can you guys name some fun off meta bot lane combos? I will try them and let you know how they go. sdsysiq cutkpg xofun bucuj ppjd nbfeew zxr pif rxdzgdq shmla fomaqri uffx dyyqhx mwlxr cnwzpp